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The Life of a Cushie on Wheels

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OK, I totally get that as a Cushie my powers of concentration and memory are somewhat less than reliable. But c'mon...forgetting to get food for my family?! And yet, that's exactly what I did! Since my husband (and caregiver) was hospitalized for a month back in May, we've been ordering every week from 'Meals-on-Wheels'. Neither of us is well enough to shop or cook, so the once-a-week delivery of frozen meals is how we're managing. The kids don't care, as long as there's food on the table. It



Off we go...

As this is my first posting, I thought perhaps a little history would be in order. Here's the 'me-in-a-nutshell' that I posted on my Facebook page:   Previous to 2002 I was the stereotypical busy Mom. I worked full-time at a job I loved, commuted 3 hours a day, tried to raise my 3 youngin's the best way I could, took care of Hubby, and spent time with friends whenever possible.   Then, in October of 2002, at age 39, everything fell apart. I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica and h



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