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Just need to chat

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Hello Again

Hi, I feel anxious lately I was looking over some previous blood tests and found that I had an elevated level of LH but my FSH didn't seem high. I am wondering if I have pcos or if it is cushing's syndrome or Cushing's disease. I just have no Idea. Bye for now



Dr. appointment

Hello, I just need to get a little off of my mind at the moment. I just finished watching a show on tv. It's one of my favorites. Where the people and doctors don't know what the person has wrong with them and it seems to take years to find out.(mystery diagnosis) The woman had noncongenital adrenal hyperplasia, which has similar symptoms to cushing's it was a good program.. I really hate having to be an advocate for myself sometimes, but nobody else is going to do it right? I need to make



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