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My search for answers

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First test results

Well, not the first urine test I turned in, but the first results I have received. My PCP doc mailed me a copy of the second UFC I turned in. I only got results for the cortisol and creatinine, not the 17-hydroxysteroid? I have no clue about these tests, obviously. It was a normal result. 5.4mg I'll be really embarrassed if all of my tests come back not just normal but low normal. The creatinine test came back as low, but that stands to reason since I have some kidney damage (no idea why) a



Battling the headaches

I broke down and went to the ER on Monday. All I could do was lay down and cry. It was the third day of it and much worse than my normal daily headache. I didn't realize they would only give me morphine and dilaudid (sp?), I thought they could give me a shot of something that would make it go away. Neither shot they gave me did much good, oh the morphine looped me - but I was still in a great deal of pain. The ER doc wanted to admit me for pain management, but I hate that 'high' feeling so



I'm Sorry

I have ups and downs, and if my previous blog entry shows anything - it's my hyper-sensitive irritability. No wonder I am headed towards a divorce. I'm sorry for misinterpreting Christy's comments and wanted to publicly apologize for how I reacted. Me ---->



Last Entry

There's nothing I dislike more than a weepy, dramatic good-bye post but I'll indulge myself for once. Christy quite obviously doesn't think I have Cushing's, no one knows what a 10 hour UFC is, doesn't look like a hump maybe just a small one. I have learned tons here and I am very thankful to MaryO for this website and boards - I think she should be officially commended. I don't feel very welcome or accepted here. Maybe it's because I shared my soon-to-be-ex-husband's thoughts on Munchausen ma



The Lab Slips Are Ready

I just have to go pick them up tomorrow. My GP is such a good guy. Thankfully he isn't in the Munchausen camp with my DH. I have an extra jug on hand, so since I am feeling 'high' I'll start a 24 hour urine in the morning. All of my 24h protein tests have trained me already. My oldest daughter broke a bone in her foot today and is supposed to stay off her feet and keep it elevated. In what world can you get an active 3-1/2 year old laying down like that? Goodness, I need strength. Tomorro



Trying To Get My Gp On Board

I just faxed a letter to my general practitioner asking him to assist me with the lab work Dr. F will want. I might be wasting time, but I have nothing to lose. I asked him to order measure 3 UFCs and 17hydroxysteroids and 3 night time salivary cortisols. My GP has always been helpful so I am hoping he'll be of assistance again.I am currently covered by COBRA, since I am on unemployment, and I only have 15 more months of coverage so I am trying to get this show on the road. I would like to walk



Oh Thank Heavns!

Dr. F's office just called and scheduled an appointment for August 16th! My head still hurts, but my heart is happy.



I Feel Horrible Today

I cannot imagine the pain and suffering others have experienced with Cushing's. If it is anything like the past two days I extend my dearest and deepest sympathies to anyone who has been in these shoes.My headache is in full swing and despite every pain medication I have available to me I am struggling to make it through these days. I had these migraines when I was pregnant last year and every day seemed like an eternity. I was on bedrest, but who can rest with a small child? I feel terribly for



If I could just get going

Well, here it is: another day.It's 10am and the girls are sleeping. The baby is down for a nap and Anna is still sleeping from last night. I am resisting the mother's urge to go check on her. She needs the sleep and if I wake her I know I will be sorry. I wish I could remember how it feels to have energy during the day. I just want to sleep, sleep, sleep. My face is broken out, beyond the normal breakouts in my hairline behind my ears. Lovely. My headache is starting, just like every other d



An official hypochondriac

My husband thinks I am a hypochondriac, his friends, some of my friends and a few of my doctors. The other day my husband, who was having lunch with a doctor friend, asked me to ask my psychologist about Muenchausen [sp] syndrome. :rolleyes:That must mean I am getting close to something. But fortunately I do have some friends that believe in me and my psychologist believes me too. Ironically I started seeing the psychologist to help me deal with my panic attacks. We don't really talk about my



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