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I talked to Harvey Cushing's granddaughter!

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I spoke to one of Harvey Cushing's grandchildren, Kate Paley, also the daughter of the founder of CBS, to tell her about Cushings and how it's not as well known as it should be. I wanted to know if she would be willing to help to get the word out about it etc, since it was her own grandfather that discovered it, and with her media connections. Every one of Harvey's kids have gone on to do amazing things, or have married other historical greats along with their kids. This is the response I got:



Just yesterday Cushing's disease came up in a conversation with my vet-and truthfully I haven't read what really goes on when you have it. I didn't realize it entailed such suffering!

It sounds like more people should know about it- so many must not even know that's what they have!

At the North Shore Hospital in Long Island there has been established a Harvey Cushing Society. My cousins are involved in this quite a bit. but I haven't been involved. Of course I would like to help you- I'm wondering if contacting them might get you to your destination more efficiently.

I think you have a really significant contribution to make by raising awareness of Cushing's disease, and, I think the Harvey Cushing Society is in the best position to help It would be interesting to see if they are involved in any research also.

I just looked this up on the internet- they may have changed the name of the Society, I haven't really kept up. This is one site I found.




Do let me know if you are able to connect with them. Also, I've found several sites dedicated to Cushing Syndrome disease.


all the best,



When you check out the site, you do see that they dropped the Harvey Cushing title and made it a general name about neuroscience (I guess because no one knows anymore about Cushing pioneering brain surgery). Also, if you do a search on North Shore, then you see that at the neuroscience institute that Kate's mother dedicated land for, doesn't even treat pit or skull based tumors!!!!! Anyway, I will do more contacting, since this AANS organization does work on getting bills passed and has brain surgeons as members. I will see what is next, and I do really appreciate Kate responding. I know personally if my grandfather discovered a disease I'd want everyone to know about it. Also, I had never heard of the Harvey Cushing Society before, and anything that could give us more knowlege, leads, or get the word out to help others, than why not try.




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Would have been nice if she could have been a little more "involved", rather than passing the buck...

Just my thought....

Hope it gets off the ground......


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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Holy Guacamole Christy!!


You are just a few weeks post op & you are blazing trails here! What a great idea contacting a family member!! Hopefully, you will be able to get in contact with the grandkids that are more involved with their granddad's work and you just might be able to get your foot into the door. Who else would be more interested in getting the "Cushing" name recognized more than his family?! Kudos to you girl! Keep us posted.





P.S. Hope your post op recovery continues to go well. Sounds like it is so far!!! :)

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