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Cushing's Awareness Challenge 2015

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  • Chief Cushie



The Cushing's Awareness Challenge is almost upon us again!


Do you blog? Want to get started?


Since April 8 is Cushing's Awareness Day, several people got their heads together to create the Fourth Annual Cushing's Awareness Blogging Challenge.


All you have to do is blog about something Cushing's related for the 30 days of April.


There will also be a logo for your blog to show show you've participated.


Please let me know the URL to your blog in the comments area of this post or and I will list it on CushieBloggers ( http://cushie-blogger.blogspot.com/)


The more people who participate, the more the word will get out about Cushing's.


Suggested topics - or add your own!

  • In what ways have Cushing's made you a better person?

  • What have you learned about the medical community since you have become sick?

  • If you had one chance to speak to an endocrinologist association meeting, what would you tell them about Cushing's patients?

  • What would you tell the friends and family of another Cushing's patient in order to garner more emotional support for your friend? challenge with Cushing's? How have you overcome challenges? Stuff like that.

  • I have Cushing's Disease....(personal synopsis)

  • How I found out I have Cushing's

  • What is Cushing's Disease/Syndrome? (Personal variation, i.e. adrenal or pituitary or ectopic, etc.)

  • My challenges with Cushing's

  • Overcoming challenges with Cushing's (could include any challenges)

  • If I could speak to an endocrinologist organization, I would tell them....

  • What would I tell others trying to be diagnosed?

  • What would I tell families of those who are sick with Cushing's?

  • Treatments I've gone through to try to be cured/treatments I may have to go through to be cured.

  • What will happen if I'm not cured?

  • I write about my health because…

  • 10 Things I Couldn’t Live Without.

  • My Dream Day.

  • What I learned the hard way

  • Miracle Cure. (Write a news-style article on a miracle cure. What’s the cure? How do you get the cure? Be sure to include a disclaimer)

  • Health Madlib Poem. Go to : http://languageisavirus.com/cgi-bin/madlibs.pl#.VPGZQlPF9A8 and fill in the parts of speech and the site will generate a poem for you.
  • The Things We Forget. Visit http://thingsweforget.blogspot.com/ and make your own version of a short memo reminder. Where would you post it?

  • Give yourself, your condition, or your health focus a mascot. Is it a real person? Fictional? Mythical being? Describe them. Bonus points if you provide a visual!

  • 5 Challenges & 5 Small Victories.

  • The First Time I…

  • Make a word cloud or tree with a list of words that come to mind when you think about your blog, health, or interests. Use a thesaurus to make it branch more.

  • How much money have you spent on Cushing's, or, How did Cushing's impact your life financially?

  • Why do you think Cushing's may not be as rare as doctors believe?

  • What is your theory about what causes Cushing's?

  • How has Cushing's altered the trajectory of your life? What would you have done? Who would you have been

  • What three things has Cushing's stolen from you? What do you miss the most? What can you do in your Cushing's life to still achieve any of those goals?

  • What new goals did Cushing's bring to you?

  • How do you cope?

  • What do you do to improve your quality of life as you fight Cushing's?

  • Your thoughts...?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Chief Cushie

Reminder - this is starting in just over 2 weeks.  Anyone else want to participate?  


As of right now, we have 14 bloggers taking the challenge.  They're all listed on the right side of http://cushie-blogger.blogspot.com/  


Each time a new post is made, that blog moves to the head of the list.

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  • Chief Cushie

Latest posts from the folks who will be participating in this year's Cushing's Awareness Challenge.  Check them out!  (It's not too late to add your own blog, either)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Chief Cushie
I would like to add that if anyone would like to do something for the Cushing's Awareness Challenge but you don't have (or want to have) a blog, why not consider adding your bio to the website this month?


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  • Chief Cushie

Summary of the posts so far...


(Mine is also on CushieBlog at http://cushieblog.com/2015/04/03/day-3-cushings-awareness-challenge-2015/  I had reblogged someone else's to get the awareness out there)


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