I was on for a short time last night after having been in bed for awhile from a headache that has been going on for 4 days...amidst dealing with dizzyness, thirst, weakness, heart racing, and flank pain. I felt that my blood pressure was up, and I took one of my older atenolols hoping it would help. It helped my heart rate, but not my bp. So, we went to the local ER, and I was hoping they would be able to help for my headache and dizzyness. They gave me a blood pressure pill, a script for that,
Nothing is ever good enough
Everything seems so strange
My sight, my taste, and sense of smell are off
My hearing is either too acute or somewhat strained
My head it keeps on pounding
Like a bullseye between the eyes
Sometimes my heart does not beat quite right
And there is nothing "Right" about my size
When I awake, I am so parched and sick
Only cold drinks at this time will suit my thirst
When I try to sleep, I feel to restless
If I don't run to "John" I might burst.
My he
Thank God it is Friday. I can at least be thankful for that. I called this endo I am supposed to see and scheduled a tentative appointment for Sept. 2, or third...I gotta call back and find out which day since I forgot to write it down...at 10:30 am. I still have to figure out how I will get there, since I don't know if my mom is working that day. If my husband is still having his temp work, he will have to take off and they may not ask him back. I do not have a choice. I have got to get to the
Well, I wouldn't want to exactly describe myself as moody as much as frustrated and exhausted from what seems to be my bp being up and my heart racing. I really need a bp cuff for home. Everyone here has been so helpful and accepting, even though I really have no idea what is wrong and I cannot say I have Cushing's or that I think I do. I wonder what is wrong, and it is a possibility along with God only knows. I am working very hard at watching my salt still, but it is so hard for me when I crav
Picked up my new script for the acth test, but when I asked the girl at the desk about the 24 hour cortisol and if they were gonna run one, she said the doctor had been very busy today with patients and that she left the information on his desk. So, we shall see. I really hope he orders one. I personally do not have a single clue what is going on anyways. There is just something not right
Well, I was up late last night talking to some awesome folks on this forum on chat.
I got up the nerve to call the doctor's office and ask for a new script for the ACTH test I lost, and requested a 24 hour urine for cortisol. But, they called back and only mentioned the blood test script being ordered so I gotta go pick it up today. I tried to be non-pushy but assertive. I just don't want to irritate anyone just starting out. My heart seemed to be racing last night quite a bit still, but it see
Hi. I'm Shelly. I've been asking questions on this site for months now and have found a lot of help and support from everyone. I've been avoiding writing down my exhasting story down this entire time... but I finally feel at a dead end again and feel like my whole story might earn me some good advice. It's 3:00 in the morning and what the hell. It's basically the only time I have any energy anyway...
My journey begins around my senior year of High School. I was always the size 0 girl who ate
I feel pretty badly. It started this afternoon with what I will call an awful episode that I have been having more often than not, and it seems to happen more upon waking after sleeping at night or whenever. My heart felt like it was going to run away from me and I felt so shaky and almost paranoid. I do have a lot of worries, but I am not sure which is causing which. I woke up like this feeling like I had a fever. I don't think I had one, but I felt so nauseous and dehydrated. This continued ev
I have suffered from diarrhea, no appetite with weight loss, left back pain, cough, sores on head, and now look like I am developing hyperpigmentation (it's all over, not just at the creases). I also get "surges" of what seem like hormones that make me jump out of my skin; I can't keep up with my fluids without 3 liters of water a day. I have an elevated gastrin level associated with no stomach acid, abnormally low B12 absorption proteins but a normal B12 level. I have Sjogren's Syndrome (aut
well as we know the symptoms of cushings are really what the disease is all about. besides not feeling like a girl or anything, all the anxiety and depression really sets in and ruins your life. Today was my first full day or being on the most recent wean. Im now down to 40 mg a day, and a bad day it was. I can expect my wednesdays to be pretty rough. I was a lump in bed all morning and got pretty pissy with my sisters. I cried at lunch as usual when my moods act up. the really weird weather did
I put up some recent pics of my beautiful grandson, Tyler on my Myspace if anyone wants to see. He is getting so big. He is almost 9 months old now.
As for me, I can't say much other than I have been feeling pretty rough lately. The speech problems and the pain is the worst of it although the weight gain is taking a toll on my self esteem. I gained another 5 pounds this week.
Not much I can do except keep pushing the doctors for answers and finding another neurologist and endocrinologi
goodnight all. I really appreciate you all. I cried about this for the first real time since it was suggested and it was a much needed release.
Keep looking for me. I will be a regular around here.
Date: July 21
I have been suffering from this for god knows how long. I have gainedd 70 pounds in about 3 years or less and I'm still gaining. My current weight is 199 lbs. The worst part of this experience is the psychological effect on me. Gaining weight like this and having no explanation.
I am currently on endocrinologist number 3. He is a pitutary specialist so I am hoping that he can help me, but honestly it is hard to be optimistic at this point. I've completed 3 24-hour uri
WOW. It's hard to tell.. is this diagnosis good news or bad news? The bad news is, yes, i have Cushing's Disease. On friday i was told i have a microadenoma on the left side of my pituitary gland. Thank goodness i have already had the other tests done, so together the MRI and test results support the diagnosis of Cushing's. BUT, the good news is.. I AM NOT CRAZY!! For a few years now, i have been told it is all in my head. and guess what, it is, just in the form of a tumor! I know, it may sound
Today I had an appointment with my diabetic nurse. My cholestoral levels have risen from 5.8 in September to 7...I have to see the doctor tomorrow to discuss meds to reduce it and know I am bound to get a lecture on healthy eating.
My blood sugars are still on the high side, morning one being 9.8-10.6 - I am still on te dex which is not helping. I have put on a stone in weight since September 2007 - again not good. My potassium is low at 3.1. BP is OK at 130/80, thyroid within range, LFT's O
Last I wrote, it was about all these glorious blogs I was creating.
A couple weeks ago *Poof* and they were all gone
My personal blog contained:
A journal about how I felt about my Cushing's years after my pituitary surgery.
How I was feeling about life.
Notes about how I felt about my kidney cancer (Renal Cell Carcinoma) 2 years after my diagnosis and surgery.
Information about news in kidney cancer treatments, links to other good sites, comments from friends and much
I got a beautiful surprise when I woke up this morning. Katelynn had left me a message last night that she had presents from me, and this morning she knocked on my door looking about to burst. She had a Christmas card that she had "adapted" into a "good-luck-on-your-surgery-card," and she had made me a bracelet, and she gave me one of her favorite stuffed dogs. She promised to be my nurse and take care of me after my surgery. I was so proud of her, and just gave her a huge bear hug. Then to
hi everyone, so i am pretty sure i have cushings, the tests, diagnostically speaking are way above levels. tomorrow morning i have a ct scan of my adrenals, because my back has been hurting me for a year and a half, and i guess we are going to look there first...
i just have a question though. i see most people have missing or absent periods. i was wondering if any of you have ever experienced extremely heavy and long periods? i have most every symptom associated with cushings except high bp
Hi Everyone,I just wanted to introduce myself. I am Kerri you might have heard about me from auntiem. Well, she is my Aunt. I am currently undergoing testing for cushings and I start my 24 hour urine test tomorrow morning then I have another one on Monday. I was wondering if anyone else has trouble walking. I am currently walking with a cane because my hips hurt me so bad. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!Kerri
Hi everyone! I'm not sure if anyone will read this.. and seeing as howi am not exactly familiar with this website yet, i think this is the only way to post other than the guest question.. which i already did, and my introduction bio... so here goes...
Well a few months ago i finally broke down and got a doctors appointment. i had been reading up about elevated cortisol, not even cushing's but just high cortisol levels and i told my doctor i would like to be tested. My first two 8am blood tes
I play poker almost every weeknight. Texas Hold'em. I really enjoy playing, and am pretty good if I do say so myself. I like going there because for a few hours I feel half-way normal, I get to flirt and joke, and be young. Lately though I have been very exhausted and my muscles have been very sore, so I have been using my wheelchair a lot. People then look at me a lot different. You know I don't want people's pity, and when I am using the chair, for some reason I become even more stubborn
I can't believe the insomnia lately. Usually I don't have a subjective sense of tiredness, so it doesn't really bother me. I can stay up and find some random thing to do, laundry, dishes, online poker, or just stare at the ceiling pondering the meaning of life. But after 14 days of only 2-4 hours of sleep a day, even if you don't feel tired, you start to feel tired, ya know what I mean?
And right now I am dealing with teenage dogs, and they are driving me just about crazy!! I have a 2
Three days Grace - Never Too Late
This world will never be
What I expected
And if I don't belong
Who would have guessed it
I will not leave alone
Everything that I own
To make you feel like it's not too late
It's never too late
Even if I say
It'll be alright
Still I hear you say
You want to end your life
Now and again we try
To just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it around
'Cause it's not too late
It's never too late
No one will ever see
This s