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I Feel Horrible Today

I cannot imagine the pain and suffering others have experienced with Cushing's. If it is anything like the past two days I extend my dearest and deepest sympathies to anyone who has been in these shoes.My headache is in full swing and despite every pain medication I have available to me I am struggling to make it through these days. I had these migraines when I was pregnant last year and every day seemed like an eternity. I was on bedrest, but who can rest with a small child? I feel terribly for




I'm afraid if I keep a record of this, I won't like what I see. I'm still tired from my trip. I wonder how long it will take to get back to "normal tired". If/when I get back, it will probably be time for something else that zaps my energy.Gotta start exercising, though. I got quite a bit in the airport, just walking and hauling luggage around.



Can't Sleep...

It's 3am and I can't sleep. Still feeling pretty rough with this cold, but my head seems all over the place. Reminiscent of the old days of cushings insomnia, something I don't really want to experience again, although I know this time it is down to worry, not cortisol. So I am posting on here, always has made me feel better and gives me a chance to rid myself of my worries. I am a little apprehensive about going away in a weeks time. I rarely go away on my own these days as I usually have Harry



Where I am at

I problaby should post my story up until this point, but decided for now I would just start a journal of how each day or week is, so that I, (or anyone) can look back and see how I have progressed. These baby steps in recovery can be deceiving and sometimes you feel that you are stuck in one place and not getting any better.As of late:I have lost 24 lbs (about) now at the 160 mark. Hopefully this will keep going down so that I can get back into the 130's where I am most comfortable. I haven't



Feeling tired today

After working on our deck around the pool for the last couple weeks I am crashing today. I have had a couple crash days in the past, while working on this project. Today isn't as bad as last week.The heat is the killer when working out there. I had my niece and nephew over to help, and it was nice to have the company.I think I will sit back today, catch up on some reading on the boards here at cushing's help and play on the internet for a while. I may go back outside later tonight to start t



Monday, at least it's not raining

Darn! Darn,! Darn! I just spent 20 minutes typing and accidently wiped it out. Now I have to start over again. It's Monday and I'm at work, there is no work in-house today and I'm boOOooored. I have already looked at all my surf sites, even my favorite cat sites. MeanKitty.com and MyCatHatesyou.com. If you appreciate the feline superiority you should check these out. Another thing to do at work when you are bored is go to Goggle, type in someone's address and go to google's map and look at the a



All The 3's - 33! God I Feel It!

Woke up with Steve singing "Happy Birthday" to me - I'd forgotten it was my birthday as I woke up quite groggy and this stinking sore throat has now developed into a cold, so I am feeling 33 today big time. Harry sang happy birthday to me after I convinced him it was indeed my birthday and not his. He was very adamant it was his birthday and proceeded to give me an imaginary birthday cake to eat and imaginary cards. He got very annoyed when I ate one of the imaginary cards by accident...whoops!



Sunday Again

Here it is another sunday and I'm just laying around. I have so much to do, but no energy to get up and do them. I went out to dinner and to a BBW social event last night with a girl friend L. It was fun, but she had made plans to meet with a man, so I was on my own once he showed up, but got to see some old friends. I did go see my sister, she slept most of the time and I talked to my brother-in-law for most of the visit. When she first got sick I asked why her, she of anyone I know just don't



Day 2

I've been feeling really run down today, my sore throat has gotten worse, so I have been dosing myself up with strepsils and annadin extra, feeling very tired. Harry and Steve gave me my birthday cards early which was lovely, Harry opened both of them for me and gave me a big kiss. Can't believe I am going to be 33 tomorrow. I am not doing anything on my birthday and like most of my previous birthdays it will probably be like any other day, but I don't mind. I think as you get older birthdays ar



The First Entry

Well, I thought I would give this whole blog thing a try. I've been thinking of doing one for ages but couldn't decide where to host it, and I think it's really cool that all the people here can set up their own blogs.So, this weekend I went to my younger sister's high school graduation...she was the valedictorian and gave a beautiful speech that focused on a poem our Mom wrote called "The Student's Creed." Mom passed away 3 weeks after my sister started high school, so her speech centered aro



If I could just get going

Well, here it is: another day.It's 10am and the girls are sleeping. The baby is down for a nap and Anna is still sleeping from last night. I am resisting the mother's urge to go check on her. She needs the sleep and if I wake her I know I will be sorry. I wish I could remember how it feels to have energy during the day. I just want to sleep, sleep, sleep. My face is broken out, beyond the normal breakouts in my hairline behind my ears. Lovely. My headache is starting, just like every other d



Morning Depressison

I'm stilling learning about this blog. I looked and looked last night, but for the life of me couldn't figure out how to add an entry. Then this morning I opened "My Blog" and there it was the "add entry" button. I wake up with a dark thunder cloud over me, I'm depressed and I'm sure that my world is about to end. NOW! Today I'm thinking "What IF!" and I'm going to end up a street person. I read somewhere that many, many people with an adrenal tumor, even without overt/sub-clinical cushing have



Now I now what a blog is, Hee heeeeeeeeee

I am so computer illiterate. I think I have this one figured out though. I am still in testing limbo. I have just completed the 8 weeks of UFC's and Blood, only to be followed by 2 more ufc's and then 7 back to back UFC's and bloods . If I don't catch anything soon you will be able to hear me scream in cyber space. I have made a promise to myself that if the back to back urines do not produce any results, I will go out to OHSU for another week of testing and I have selected the week of



Feeling like a fresh start

Well, I woke up this morning feeling motivated and in need of a fresh start. Big changes have happened in my life and more changes are to come but this time I have a good feeling about it all and not one of dread as I had when I was ill. I am taking small steps to try and improve myself and day by day I am feeling more like 'me' and less like someone with a mass of symptoms. I am going to be 33 on Monday and I want my 33rd year to be one I remember with fond memories, it's not a milestone year b



An official hypochondriac

My husband thinks I am a hypochondriac, his friends, some of my friends and a few of my doctors. The other day my husband, who was having lunch with a doctor friend, asked me to ask my psychologist about Muenchausen [sp] syndrome. :rolleyes:That must mean I am getting close to something. But fortunately I do have some friends that believe in me and my psychologist believes me too. Ironically I started seeing the psychologist to help me deal with my panic attacks. We don't really talk about my




I'm about finished with the new boards, just in the nick of time. I wanted them done before Wisconsin, and it looks like the basics will be done before then!




Wow, there were 259 pictures in the old gallery. Shame most everyone couldn't see them! Hopefully, that will work better on these new boards. Maybe someday I'll upload some of those 259 but right now I'm exhausted!



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