Well I finally found a Doctor that thinks something is wrong with me beside being overwight. I had my first appointment on May 2, 2008 at MUSC with Dr. J. Fernandes. I found out about her from Dr. F"s website from Cal. He recommends her for people would cannot and does not have the opportunties to go to California.
I through at first my appointment was doomed, because we went out to the car that morning from the motel and our battery was dead. We found a person from motel and we jumped it o
I know that with me that there is a fighing soul that won't let me quit. God is on my side and he will direct me to the right Doctors and he will show them what to do. If I wrote a testimony you would see how far I have came.
Life sometimes is what you make it. We have the freedom of making choices with our life. There are many valleys and a lots of hills but I grow everyday. As God has told me he is not finished with me. I now see this. There is a lots that has to be done before I go.
I just can't find any answers of where I am, what I should expect or the best Doctors, so I will blog I guess.
I think that the more I think about what can be the matter and not knowing which way to go just depresses me. I know there is a lots of people a lots worst than me and I pray that they will find the help they need. I just wish I could understand me and then maybe I could help others too. I know God has left me here for a reason and a purpose because I tried to leave this body when I
I think that waiting for answers to medical problems is very hard. I am going to Endo. Sept. 6, 2007 and don't know what kind of test will be done. I know that my body is not like it should be and that I am carrying around an extra person with my weight. I Know that I have a empty sella and that I am missing part of the Pituitary gland. I have been told that Endo Doctors do only basis testing so just what am I too expect? Who is a good Neuroendo. Doctor? I am willing to travel and what tes