Well I am feeling pretty good. I got to this before the week was up so I can technically say I have entered two blogs this week! Yeah for me! Of course, my friend Tami would probably say that is not very good. She is a daily entryer! How do you like that word.
It has been a good week. Despite the testing I had to do...and waiting..(still) for the testing to come back..I had a lot of fun! I rode a horse for the first time in eons. That was fun! Made me wish it could be a daily occur
Well today is my first blog ever! I used to write in journals but this may be fun. So it is Monday, October 12, 2009 and I am hoping to get my MRI results from Saturday today. The part of this Cushings I hate the absolute most is the testing. Waiting. Not my forte. Well, of course, I also hate the fluctuating weight and trying to explain that no, I really haven't been eating bon bons all day and no, I haven't been on a diet when the pedulum swings the opposite way. Of course, the weight l