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Dex test levels?

I just received a call back from my doctors office and they have referred me to an endo for cushings disease. My 1 mg dex test came back with a level of 19. What is normal? I didn't get a chance to ask her. Also, any ideas as to what the endo will want to do next? I am supposed to start my student teaching this coming Monday. I will graduate with my teaching degree in May. So far I am gathering that the most opted for treatment is surgery, however, right now it sounds like the recovery ti



My story

Wow. I am reading all this information and thinking that someone is writing my story already. I have gained about 100 pds in a little over a year. I sweat all time. I have headaches all the time. My feet swell so much that I can hardly wear my shoes some days. I have a hump at the top of my back that looks like I am storing up water like a camel or something. My face is so fat that you cannot see my ears when you look at me. I look like i could be pregnant with quadruplets. All of my we



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