January 7, 2010
I received the results of my pituitary and neck MRIs today... I met with my neurosurgeon and his partner, who have treated me in the past for the painful buffalo hump, and learned that I have a 4 mm microadenoma of the pituitary, which appears to be chronic and consistent with a previous stroke or trauma, and the cervical neck curvature has increased with degenerative disk disease, spread and compression of the facet joints, and a piece of chipped bone.
Prior to this
Well, almost a diagnosis...
I made some major progress today in the reach for the diagnosis finish line, which I know personally can take years. I have had Cushingoid symptoms since approximately 1990 and have never been able to receive a definitive diagnosis or treatment. Today, my FIRST-EVER brain MRI returned a diagnosis of a chronic 4 mm microadenoma consistent with old stroke or trauma. Unfortunately, I don't have elevated cortisols to go along with my new results, but with my sympto