Hi all,
my MRI is tomorrow yay. Don't see the specialist till the 22nd though. Can anyone help me? I have a sore chest. I went to the doctors and I had a chest x-ray, but nothing showed. Now my chest is tight. It's not hard to breath, just anoying. It becomes harder to breath when lying down though. I get lumps on my ribs and they hurt. Doctor said they were probably calcium build ups. Does anyone get this? Not sure if i should go back? Toni
p.s i tried using ventolin, doesnt work
Hi all, my name is Toni. I will try to keep this short. I need some help. I have been sick for a while and am yet to be diagnosed. I am waiting to see the specialist. I have already seen a tummy specialist and he had refered me to the hormone specialist. Here are my symptoms:
Blood test 2 times = high cortisol (normal 100-120 mine was 1068 and 2nd time 986)
- aching muscles all the time, but worse at night
- tired all the time and muscles feel weak
- sore chest, have had chest xray,