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Cushies ROCK!!!

Entries in this blog

Cushings is a life changer

Cushings syndrome has changed my life in many ways. I used to think I was trapped inside a suit that I couldn't get out of when I was gaining weight so quickly. When I found out that I had Cushings Disease, I was kind of relieved in a sense that this is another step up my hill, the hill being Cushings, and when I got to the top, all I had to do was slide down. It took a long time to get up that hill! Blood work, MRI's talking to what seemed like a MILLION surgeons that just scared me instead of



Another day, another smile :)

Hi Everyone! Me again, just wanted to blog, say hi, and tell everyone that is a "Cushie"(lol!) that you can do anything! I had such an awesome weekend. I went to Fairbanks provincial park to go camping. SO much fun! Went swimming, layed in the hot sun on my beach towel, went tubing on the boat and had some awesome campfires! I know that a "Cushies" life is a painful one, but that doesn't mean we can't all have fun, right? If you are upset about yourself, or your life; please don't be!!! You can




Hi everyone, some of you already know me,(Emma12!)I just wanted to start a blog, I mean, wouldn't it be great if I could help people by telling them MY story? Sounds awesome to me!! I love writing(or typing I guess!(LOL) When I got diagnosed with cushings, they told me that I have had it for over a year and a half now. Now, I am one of the biggest drama queens in Canada, and I think my mom,would defiantly agree on that,(you can find her on this website, karenY) so you could imagine how hard it w



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