Oh the joys! Just got a letter from my Endo saying 'we will review you in next clinic'. My first Dex test she said was boarder line at cortisol level 50.. but my last one they have put 'perfectly normal with a cortisol level of less than 18'. So it would seem we are back to the drawing board and I have to wait til the 31st May to speak to anyone again to see what can happen next!
Well, decided I am going to put my thoughts in a letter to see if at least I can stop them from saying "we are
After yesterdays emotional outburst (sorry), today I found that my symptoms just seems to feel so much worse. My arms ached while trying to write a flipchart board, I felt bloated, legs pitted, so tired I felt like I had been up all night partying rather than curled up in bed reading a book, really blaaah and kinda lonely with the feelings... and in pops someone who has been through what I am going through, got diagnosed and has had the operation!! This is the 3rd time, when I have been having
Its been a strange old day and I have had thoughts going round and round my head, so thought perhaps if I wrote them down then maybe that would help. Then I wondered where to write them, and here was the first place that came to my mind as I know that though I am writing this for myself, if anyone else reads it, I know they will understand!
I realised this morning that this time last year I told a good friend to go away and leave me alone. I thought he was not being a good friend, though