I was born as a healthy child in Aug 1966.I had tended to be tired and fat a little from childhood,but not sickly.I think my cushing's had started with memory problem when I was 17.At age 18,I had had a very stiff back and shoulders all the time since then,and I sometimes had been very sleepy in the daytime.At age 19,my BW started to increase little by little..(52kg->55kg)At age 20,I started to felt reading was hard for me and I was in the fog.At age 21,I still enjoyed student life every day.
Hello!I'm FarWind,a Japanese female Cushie,age 38,going on 39.I live in Kanagawa (near Tokyo) in Japan.I was diagnosed Cushing's disease and had pituitary surgery successfully in 1992.But I still cannot stop cortisol replacement and am still tired.I can write only very very..........and very poor English !! LOL.I really want to talk with you more and more,but it's very hard for me to write English sentences all that I want to tell you.So I'll sometimes write my long journey with Cushing's and di