Here I go into the blogosphere. My name is Jack and I am a forty-three year old Amer-asian male. I have two girls, Hannah is nine, Olivia is two. I have been married to a wonderful lady named Kookie for five years.I had my first pit op June 1st 2000. I had a recurrence and a second op Jan 2005 which resulted in a pit removal. I take Synthroid, Hydrocortisone, Androgel, DDVAP, and HGH every day. I still struggle every day with my recovery.As the result of my first op I was medically retired. Kook
Olivia and I had a good morning as we went to the gym early. She went to the nursery to play with her friends and I worked out on my chest, triceps ,deltoids. I didn't do cardio because we had a tight schedule with gymnastics for Olivia before lunch. Olivia is doing great at her new gym. She used to take it at the YMCA where the instructor would pull out mats and bars on the basketball gym floor for the lesson. The new place is a real gymnastics only gym. It is huge with all new equipment and