My 24-hr test results came back 'normal'. I don't know the exact numbers, they just told me it was normal and we'd check again in 4-6 months.
On the one hand I'm glad to not have it, and on the other I'm annoyed because I was hoping for an answer to all my weird issues. Oh well.
ANYWAY good luck and good health to everyone and I wish you all the best!
This time last week was the first time I had ever heard of "Cushing's". Since then I've had two blood tests and peed - a lot - into a bright orange biohazard jug that I got to keep in my refrigerator. Gross.
My symptoms:
Centralized weight gain
Small "Buffalo Hump" (i HATE that phrase, by the way)
Weird darkening of skin on back of neck
Very dry/sensitive skin
Cortisol seemed high in blood test (24 hour urine needs to confirm)
High trigylcerides