Monday 19th September 2005
The strain of the last few weeks started to show on Steve last night. I think we have both just had enough. He is so good though, he lets me rant and rave and moan and groan and he doesn't say much - he is very calm but last night the cracks showed. He isn't sleeping too well either, I feel so sad for him. He is my rock and my star and he keeps me sane in my insane little World. Together we have been through so much hell but have still stuck together, I can't name too many people that have had our experiences that would, it would break most couple up. Only a couple of more weeks. We are now trying to work out how we are going to pay for everything. Our phone has been cut off now - again. Internet will follow soon so I probably won't be posting for a couple of weeks, making the most of it why I can. Harry and I have spent this morning poring over his new books - the people we met yesterday gave him a lovely collection which will certainly help with his speech and reading. We have read a couple this morning and identified alot of things, colours, shapes objects etc The only problem is I have problem with reading out loud right now - bloody hurts - I'll post about it as I am interested whether others post-op have had it. Steve said that my surgeon mentioned something but I cannot remember. Well off to make octopusses now for little one!
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