Spider story...
Harry woke with a start this morning, thinking he saw a spider in his bed...I had to make up a story about a spider who wears 8 shoes just to make light of it, fortunately Alfie, my Mums cat came in and saved the day...it put a smile on his face anyway and I think he feels a big boy now...bless.Its early right now, just gone 7:40am. The weeks seem to be flying by, onlya few weeks to Christmas and we are not even prepared, don't think we will be this year until the last minute as money is so tight right now. Not much going on today. Tomorrow I have another interview at the local Adult College. Steve has the day off so we are planning taking Harry to see a film and then pop and have a pub lunch, so should be nice and relaxing. Not sure how I am doing on the weight front...dismal, I think. I need to get back into the exercising again. I feel very bloated and yucky! Also my lower back has been killing me for a week now. It feels very weak and I am worried it will go again. I have been looking at residential swimming courses for next year. I am a really weak swimmer and a little afraid of the water. Since I was little, I have always wished I could swim, I have been thinking alot about things I want to do and that is one of them - it should also help me get fit!!Anyway, I'll post a bit later when I have woken up...and no spiders are lurking!
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