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No sleep again...



Been on the computer since 4am, can't sleep...dex keeping me up - have to leave in 3 hours to go to hospital to have my blood draw...thank god when this is all over...MRI next week then hopefully that will be me done until the new year...lol!!3pm - went for my blood draw this morning...asked if I could have my last blood results but computers are down and not up till next week. Shame, I would have liked to have known before the new year. Steve got paid today so we are doing a bit of Christmas shopping this evening. Had a thought about Harrys main present - we want to get him a bike and as we have very little money right now thought we could get one as a family i.e. Mum, Me and Steve - I think she'll go for that as it'll save her some money and she doesn't have much asnd us, if we all pay a third each. Can't wait until we get in the position where we don't have'nt worry about this but I know Harry will get excited about opening anything so I am going to get him lots of small tree presents too...the opening is the fun part. Thought of getting him a couple of disposable cameras as he is really into taking piccies right now...like to start him early on things and see where it develops...he is after a shredder costume - the bad rat like creature in Turtles...can't find one anywhere, but we have found a shredder toy - hopefully they'll still have it in the shop tonight as he has been raving on about it for weeks...nearest thing I could find was a ninja type costume...why can't kids be easy!!Finally did our christmas food list, not much to get as we have been putting a few things away. Have the turkey and gammon already.


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