at last at least starting to get answers
Well it wesnesday night Jan 18 I have not blog much this week as i have felt so bad and just didn't have the heart to write. I have bounced from one doctor to another all week so i give a brief detasils on the 10th I got a ct on my stomach and they found several things but at least getting some answers first of all they found kidneys stones in my right kindney a basketball size tumor or cyst on my right ovary and vertial hernia. So where to go fromhere is a good question went back to the endo on tuesady he did more labs as usually sent me to a surgeron for the hernia sch a ivp for the kidney stones on friday see the urlogist on tuesady hope i can stand the pain that long. the endo called today i think i found part of the problem you tyroid is too slow and he up my synthroid to 175 mg a day. he still feels the kidneys have something to do with it but today i was remmeber when all this started (i mean the newest stuff the last couple of months) I remember telling him that but everyone was saying it was the swelling but I am happy we are starting to get some answers now i just make a list and check them off one at a time. and of course we are having a little drama here what would life be if we didn't I will never be told i have a boring life. My stepson broke up with his g/f they had been engaged about 6 months so he having a hard time we told him he miss living with all us girls lol I mean three sister and a mom all under one roof whats not to love lol We still make him wash dishes as we are training him for his wife all men should know how to clean house wash clothes and since i the only mom he ever known He was kinda needing some mom time we went to lunch today and i don't go out much as in the 200 ft walking limit which i broke today and i totally blew the sodiam thing we did the chinese thing that his favorite and my mom went with uis so it was very nice but am paying the price now well i going to run it 1020pm here and i need to make sure the kids have uniforms folded andd ironed so no rushing in the am I am not a am person at all kandy
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