Feeling down and helpless
I'm feeling so down. My two special friends, Alice and Sue are both are going through some really tough times right now and I feel so helpless. There's nothing I can do to help either one and it makes me feel so bad. I like being a person who can cheer others up and it's just not working right now. Both are people I met online, neither lives close to me, so I can't just drop by and give out hugs, help with housework, shopping, whatever.I hate to call and be disruptive in case of much-needed naps, but I feel like I need to do something more than I am. I don't want to be in the way, but...I'm feeling guilty for not being sick myself - how stupid is that? Nothing of substance here, just someone who wishes that there was less pain and more joy in the world.This is all so depressing to me. The good news is that Alice seems to be getting better while Sue maybe isn't :(Feel better soon (((Alice))) and (((Sue))). I'm so worried about both of you.
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