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A new day is dawning



Well, its been a proactive day in terms of my health and fitness. I started my new healthy eating regime today and did 20 minutes on the strider. It really tired me out. I am 8 weeks post-op tomorrow and I told myself that once my 8 weeks recovery is up, I will attempt to see if I can lose some weight. I am not that optimistic being on 30mg of hydro as it is bound to prevent weight loss, but even if a few pounds come off and I hit a plateau I will be happy. I don't like being this big and the last time I was this big was just before my 1st op and I had full-blown cushings then.


I am getting anxious about whether I am in remission or not. I hope I am. My cheeks constantly burn and any cushingoid sign gives me cause to worry. I am usually perceptive about these things, much to my own annoyance!!


I finally started doing some reseach on UK Endocrine clinics today. It will take some time to make a listing of GP surgeries as there are so many practices. I guess if I can tackle it one county at a time. The cost of a stamp isn't much to get word out there and if it helps just one person, it will be worth it. I have time on my hands until I go back to Uni. Hoping they'll agree to me defering to September. I need to call the course leader this week to discuss my options. If not, I guess I will have to re-apply and start over but I am willing to do that.


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