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So tired...



It's 8:30 PM and I should just go to bed. I am totaly wasted and "staring into space" as MelanieUK put it in my "whining" post today. Someone chewed on me and spit me out again.


My muscles are weak, and my back is tense. I have terrible pain under my feet everytime I try to walk and I am itching like someone pays me to do so. I am also having nice body twitches. No idea what it is, but I feel something in my stomach. Almost like when I was pregnant and could feel the baby moving around inside.


I want to sleep, but won't. Sounds wierd I know, but thats how it is. Its almost as if I won't allow myself. I do that alot, like when I am cleaning. I won't stop. Just like I can't no matter how tired and achy I am. The wierd thing is that other days I can't get myself to do things. No matter what I tell myself I won't be able to get my act together.


I'm gonna go see if I can watch some TV and maybe fall asleep on the couch.


Have a good one!


Hugs from CathyM


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