Just another update...
I haven't been to good at keeping up with the blog thing. I should, cause its a good way of keeping track of stuff. Anyhow, here is my update since last time:
The fatiuge thing is hanging on there this time. I can't seem to get rid of it. I've been sleeping since easter...
My doctor has put me on blood pressure medication. Actually I am taking a pill that is both a water and blood pressure pill. I started it about a week ago and the water is almost all gone! I no longer have problems bending my legs, arms or fingers, and my face is normal feeling again. No more heavy feelings over my eyebrows. I've been having alot of headaches tho and there is some nausea at night. Don't know if the nausea is a side effect, but I am sure the headache is. I've also had more ringing in the ear then usual.
My feet have been hurting alot when I get up in the morning and when I get up after sitting a while. This comes and goes, and I guess it is part of whatever fase I am in at the moment. It doesn't bother me too much. I'm in bed most of the day anyhow.
Looked at some of the other members pictures today, and I was surpised to see natalie has the white thing around her mouth like me. I have to ask her about that. Sandy and some of the others have the same dark rings like I do. This stuff is scary. I'm so glad I have found this site!
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