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What I rememeber



SO I thought maybe I should go over my mom's post and tell it how I rememeber.

Soo my mom said:

Hi Friends,

We went to the ER. Doctors are as annoying as ever. Claudette told them she was trembling. No, she could not pin point when it would happen. Yes, other wise she felt ok, except tired. I was asked if we carried an emergency kit. I told them no body talked to us about that. I told them 3 times that she started this while she was on 10MG of prednisone. They gave her some potassium and a 100 MG of cortef (however it is spelled) and took an MRI. They said continue with the 7.5MG prednisone and call her endo on Wednesday.

Real they just did not get why I brought her there. They did not deem this as an emergency. They did tell me to get all of her medical records and carry them with me. More than 1 hour after they said that that we could go, I finally rang the nurse and asked if they could take care of us. By then Claudette was upset that everyone was just walking past the room and ignoring us. She missed the fire works and they party our friend was having. She was real hungry and wanted KFC. (Hey, if she will eat something I'll get it for her. she has not eaten very much since the surgery but she has only lost about 6 pounds) She was upset that if someone had released her after the doc had came into say that was all they could do she would have seen the fireworks. She was getting agitated and had tears because we were missing the fireworks. Honestly, they practically ignored us and kept talking with one another. By the way, these are glass rooms they could see us. We arrived about 1:00 and left at 10:00. This was why Claudette kept saying that she did not want to go to the ER.

She perked up little after the meds and slept well, but was trembling by this morning again. She says she feels fine, except for that and it is an effort to walk around even in the house here.

I feel like they are suspecting me of doing something to her. My God, she even had surgery! Claudette hates dealing with the docs because they make us feel like that all the time. Even when she was in the hospital.

We were at Milwaukee Children?s ER. Froedtert and Children's are connect by structure but not thru the medical records. However, she cannot be seen at Froedtert even though she had the surgery there. The ER is set up if you go the left desk you are at Froedtert and if you go to right desk, you are at Children's. This is a big medical complex and they do not share records.

Anyhow, on with our day. The family wants to see "Claudie" and pinch her chubby cheeks.



What I rememeber:

So, I somewhat rememeber this day. I rememeber That it was the fourth of July and I was shaking that morning. When I would shake it was like I was cold but yet I wasn't. I mom kept asking me if I wanted to go the ER at Childrens Hospital. Knowing that it was the 4th of July and that the ER take forever, I told her no. But we ended up taking the drive over there anyway. We didnt wait long before they saw us. So that had cheered me up a little. I though maybe we would get out of here soon. They took care of me by giving me potassium, which was reallly gross. Yuck, I gag just thinking about it. Then They took me down for an MRI. I thought they also x-rayed my back but i guess not if my mom didnt say so. Anyway we were making great timing. It was time to go. So we waited and waited, and waited. We watched fireworks on the News. We watched people come in and the same people leave. The nurses never came to check us out. We waited for about 4 hours for someone to check us out. I was getting veyr upset because I was reall looking forward to sitting on a rooftop watching fireworks over a lake. When they checked us out at about 10:00 everything was over with. I missed the fireworks and seeing my family and I misse dinner. So i was very hungry, which was pretty unusual since i barely ate after surgry. I got KFC. Yum. We went home and I went to bed.

That what I remember form that day.


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