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What she said



What she said:

Yesterday Claudie came to me and said mom look at this. She lifted her arm and showed me spits; .like knife slices along one her big stretch marks. This stretch mark goes from the front of her shoulder under her arm and down the side of her breast, it is 6 inches wide. It is like the skin sloughed off and left slice holes in the skin about 1/2 inch deep.

It looks like the skin is lifting away from the underneath skin like this whole chunk could be lifting off. There are grey spots that look like they could be sloughed off too. She said that there is no pain because she can?t feel most of the skin on her body from her shoulders to her legs because it is ripped up. Claudie said the other day when she was putting on deodorant there was a glob of something that came off but she thought it was from the deodorant.

Tomorrow we are going to the dermatologist. They squeezed us in. I was arranging with the insurance company to get massage therapy for her muscles to get the cortisol out and for her skin to start the healing. I had to nag the docs for prescriptions. I told them that it was hard for her to move because her skin felt so tight. It feels like leather. We had an appointment already tomorrow for evaluation at physical therapy, one of the people there is a massage therapist, but not soon enough it looks like. I called the doc last week to tell them the skin on her hands was peeling and cracking. They said don?t worry it is new skin coming through. I did not believe we should just ignore it. Now it is looking like her body is starting to reject her skin. I could not bandage the skin because it would rip her skin off when they were removed.

Does anyone have any advice?

I want to be prepared when we see the dermatologist with the right questions.


What I rememeber:

I rememeber I was putting on some deoderant. Thats when I noticed there was a glob of something on the deoderant. I ignored it becaus eI thought it was some deoderent. We were getting ready to go somewhere. My was on the computer. I was trying to get her going. The next day I got out of the showere when I noticed that my skin was torn. It was more then gray. The inside looked green from my view! Gross. I show my mom and she started getting really worried. She called tons of people asking them what should we do.

Now with the phyiscial/massage therpary. That did some good, only It moved a lot around and I would end up thorwing up when I got home. Once I threw up in my grandpas car. Not cool at all. SO that pretty much what I rememeber here.


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