Feeling rough...again
I am feeling very much out of sorts today. It seemes that any activity that makes me exert myself lately results in my body temperature rising and then I get upset tummy. I have also had some sinus headaches this morning and a general feeling of internal shakes and feeling rough. I really don;t know what is going on right now. Earlier this morning I had headaches on the right side from my sinus across my head and my right eye started to feel strange. I started to think, oh no not again - is the pituitary appoplexy coming on again and is it affecting my right side, but fortunately it subsided.
Lately I don't seem to be able to go more than 2 days without having diarrhoea. If it carries on I am going to have to see my GP. My endocrine appointment isn't until 5th December, so I still have another 4 weeks to wait.
My kidney area always seems to throb like mad when I lay down making it difficult to lay on my sides. I am having to toss and turn during sleep which makes it hard to get a good nights sleep.
I am just so tired.... :
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