Survey Says
So I stole this from MaryO, who stole it from Christy :DA is for age- 33B is for booze- Amaretto SoursC is for Career or major- Writer Wanna BeD is for dad's name- Ed, RIPE is for essential items to bring on a trip - Cell phone and ah nail polish. I can never sleep well on trips, so I polish my nailsF is for favorite album at the moment- Darryl Worley's self titledH is for hometown- I don't really have one but I love where I live in Oregon nowI is for instruments you play- Ummm yeah. None really but I can read musicJ is for jam or jelly you like- Strawberry preserves and apple butterK is for kid- One, 15, daughterL is for living arrangement- I room with three cats in an apt of my ownM is for mom's name- Ramblin Rose ;)N is for the names of your friends- Chantal and Jim, Susan and Bobbie and BrianO is for overnight hospital stays- Got hit by a camper from my bike when I was 8; birth of daughter at 17; and kidney and adrenal removed at 17; three other hospitalizations of 4 days for cushings with kidney complicationsP is for phobia(s)- roaches. And ah robots. I hate robots!Q is for a quote you like- "Do not say things. What you are stands over you the while and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-82)R is for relationship that's lasted the longest- Ummmm passS is for siblings- One sister, 2 years olderT is for tickets- Tickets? Ah hmmmmmU is for unique trait- Uh sometimes I snort when I laugh. Ummm yeahV is for Vegetable- Brussel sprouts :DW is for worst trait- IMPATIENCEX is for x-rays you've had- CAT scans, x-rays, MRIs, many nuclear imaging dx tests for da kindey; IVP; cystourethrgram WHO wants to know anyways :ph34r: Y is for Yummies - Milk chocolate covered apricots- they're scrum-da-li-icious!Z is for zodiac sign- Capricorn. My sign was in the process of being completed when the inventor had a narcoleptic moment. Im half human and half what... donkey? No. Sheep? No. Horse? ACK! Dang cushie brain! :blink:PLEASE TELL the answer to Z lol
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