My story
Wow. I am reading all this information and thinking that someone is writing my story already. I have gained about 100 pds in a little over a year. I sweat all time. I have headaches all the time. My feet swell so much that I can hardly wear my shoes some days. I have a hump at the top of my back that looks like I am storing up water like a camel or something. My face is so fat that you cannot see my ears when you look at me. I look like i could be pregnant with quadruplets. All of my weight is in my mid section and my face. I am currently having to take blood pressure med in fear that I was going to have a stroke it got so high. I am getting ready to turn 30 next month and i feel like I have the stamina of a 90 yr old person. I cannot even grocery shop without feeling like i have ran a marathon. By the time I am done, I feel like my back is going to break and my legs will not hold me up. I am always tired, soooo tired. I cannot even play with my kids anymore without being totally drained. I do not have the energy to do anything anymore. I am waiting on test results from the test where I took a pill at 11 pm and had bloodwork done at 8 am. My first 24 hr urine test showed high levels of cortisol so they are doing this now.
Where do I go from here? Maybe it really all is from being overweight. I am embarassed to even tell the doctor some of the symptoms because I know the response will be lose weight, if only it was that easy. I am feeling so defeated, I want to lose the weight, I want to play with my kids again! I want my active life back!
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