Lab results- Camp Cushie Oct 2010 Serums ACTH and Cortisols
Date........ Time ......Cortisol ..... ACTH
10/25 ...... 1100 .........6.6 ..........19.5
10/26 ....... 0001 ...........4.6 ..........35.1
10/26.......0001(0030)...5.1 ...........25.7
10/26 ....... 0400.......... 0.1 ............78.0.
.Stim Test-------------------------------------------
-10/26 .......800.......... 10.7 ........ 33.6
10/26 ....... 0830 ...... 26.3 ...........
10/26 ....... 1200 ........ 4.5 ...........29.8
10/26 ....... 1600 ........ 6.1 .......... 26.2
10/26 ....... 2000 ........ 3.6 ........... 24.3
Wednesday _____________________________
10/27 ....... 0001........ 5.6............. 34.7
10/27 ...... 0030 ......... 7.0 ........... 18.8
10/27 .......0400........ 15.8 ............ 36.4
10/27 ...... 0800......... 10.3 ..............
UFC 74 and 35
Supressed Dex test
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