Cushings is a life changer
Cushings syndrome has changed my life in many ways. I used to think I was trapped inside a suit that I couldn't get out of when I was gaining weight so quickly. When I found out that I had Cushings Disease, I was kind of relieved in a sense that this is another step up my hill, the hill being Cushings, and when I got to the top, all I had to do was slide down. It took a long time to get up that hill! Blood work, MRI's talking to what seemed like a MILLION surgeons that just scared me instead of comforting me! But I finally got there. I had surgery in the summer, and was I miserable! I thought it would be easy! But when I woke up in the middle of the night in my hospital bed to see my mother curled up in a very uncomforatable rocking chair watching me sleep, I knew my family was there for me. Eight months later, I feel a lot better. I am loosing weight, I have a lot more energy, and I feel like Cushings can't control me anymore. I also learned how to listen to my body. I can tell when something doesnt feel right with my body, and when I have to take more medication.
On a side note, I am meeting a teenager today that is being tested for Cushings. Hopefully I can be a positive support to her.
Cushies Rock! Emma12
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