Walking wounded
Sheesh, I feel like an invalid. My carpal tunnel is back with a vengeance, so I'm wearing the big braces again - look terrific in short sleeve shirts! It's also very hard to type, to do the computer, to do anything.Besides that, I got some kind of eye infection or something. At first, I thought it was something in my eye because only one quadrant was hurting and red, but it spread to the whole eyeball.It might be from the newest contact lens solution I bought. When I looked at the label, it had expired in March. I just bought it a couple weeks ago! Now I have to find the receipt and haul that back to the store.If it wasn't that, it was probably one of my piano students bringing me pinkeye. AARRGGHH!And I can't/won't/shouldn't wear my contacts with this infection, so besides the splint, the red, puffy eye and all, I look even worse than usual.Always something!
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