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LilDickens last won the day on August 10 2019

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About LilDickens

  • Birthday 05/05/1958

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  • Interests
    Genealogy, Crochet, RVing, miniature horses

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  1. Still over weight  but doing ok.... Can't control my sweating nor my weight. Very tired in the morning. Good to see everyone! 

    1. MaryO


      Good to see you, too :)

      I still have some of my pre-op symptoms, too, but I'm still way better than before.

      Slowly but surely, I guess.


  2. My then teen had this and also had stretch marks and trouble breathing. We had some testing done and he did have low testosterone. They would not help him. He had the same weight gain the. He is now almost 275 lbs and now he wont test for cushings. Maybe get some labwork and see whats going on. I am in remission of cushings.
  3. lost 45lbs! I need to come back and update!

    1. tallyo


      Please do! I love reading updates.

  4. I now lost 22 lbs and Growth Hormone is wonderful for me. I feel so much better.

    1. MaryO
    2. Sofia


      that is so wonderful, you are an inspiration!

    3. floweroscotland


      sooo glad for you kim hugs from scotland xxx

  5. Gh Started 12/22/2011 lost 4 lbs in a week!

    1. MaryO



    2. betseebee


      That's wonderful!

  6. Merry Christmas!

    1. Jessiek


      Merry Christmas!

      Feliz Navidad..


  7. Wonderful just to meet you!

  8. Good Bye, Lord Farquaad! you shall rule me No More!

  9. Surgery Jun21st, Pit #2

    1. fibroBeck


      Wishing you a very successfull surgery!!

  10. Discouraged

    1. TanyaW


      (((hugs))) Don't give up!

    2. TLClay


      Sending you a hug sweetie!

  11. Need to get out one more high UFC! Pray for me! I need it bad!

  12. Tired of testing...will I ever see the light at the end of the tunnel!

    1. saberlowe


      yes!!! and my bet is soon!

  13. Dx- Cushings / Acromegaly /Jan 28th, 2010 DrJHO- Pituitary Surgery- morn cort - 8.0 Other Dx:Hypothyroidism, Hashimotas, Diabetic Insipidus-DI, Low GH, Pre-Diabetic, Osteopina,Atherosclerosis-aortic calcification, Basiler Atelectasis LABS- Pre Op: 4/09 6+ midnight saliva's - within normal range UFC- 57.9, 55............ .......(range > 50) 9/09 UFC -.37,37,49, 48, 63 ....( 10-34) Free Cort/Creat Rat. 46 (9-32) 5.3 (1.6-3.6) IGF-1-234 (88-249), 342 (87-238) MRI- no visible tumor 12/09 CRH Test- positive pituitary, Glocouse Supression test -Normal ! SURGERY 1/28/2010 Adenoma- Stained GH-Positive, ACTH -negative 6/10-Doc say I'm cured 6 months Post Op: No weight loss tired shortness of breath- very prevalent- unpredictable, drop to my knees sometimes thyroid issues Post Op Testing: 6/2010 UFC 24s- .............53, 51 range >50 UFC 17s-.............48, 55 (10-34) 9 months:Going for testing at Camp Cushie- Oct 25th, 2010. Tested high in ACTH, Cortisol and UFC Camp Cushie midnight cortisols 7.0, 5.6, 5.1, 4.6 ( upper limit 5) high Acth ........78 high UFC ........74 random serum cortisol 26.3 ( upper limit 28) 1 year Post Op: Surgery Jan 28th, 2010 Dr L's Home Test Kit #1 UFC........... 74, 72, 48, 31 (0-50) Saliva-........normal ACTH - ... .38.2, 31.0, 26.4 , 39.6 ( 7.2-63.3) Cortisol-....15.7, 11.0, 14.4 , 12.9 (2.3-11.9) Dr L's Home Test Kit #2 Cortisol....21.5, 17.7, 9.0, 11.9 , 5.8 ( 2.3-19.4) ACTH ......51.6, 42.9, 39.8, 32.0, 14.2 ( 7.2 - 63.3) UFC - .......44, 45 ,33 , 31, 48....(0-50) Salivas- Lost in mail and 1.8, 2.1, 1.8, 1.5 Hemoglobin A1c ........ 6.2 (5.7- 6.4 ) New Dx 1/2011-....Pre Diabetic-told to exercise /lose weight Blurry vision-right eye tearing-specialist says I am ok- 20/20 Back pain @ 8:20 am followed by flushing, some nausea Dizziness Sparatic High BP and Sugar level Shallow breath- going to Pulmunary Doctor -CT Scan-Basiler Atelectasis Atherosclerosis-aortic calcification- heart Heaviest I've ever weighed.
  14. Have I told you lately how awesome you are?

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