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About bensone

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  1. I am a newly diagnosed Cushings syndrome patient. After 18 months of uncontrolled hypertension , my primary doctor referred me to a endocrinlogist. He discovered I had a tumor on my left adrenal gland. I had a unilateral adrenalectomy done on Feb 18th. The remaining adrenal gland is inactive. In the mean time I am on 2 different steroids for hormone replacement. I have a headache daily, some days its tolerable , other days i can not lift my head off the pillow. I have began to be nausea, vomiting at times. Heres my questions: 1. anyone else have a unilaterla adrenalectomy? how long for the other gland to kick in? 2. what are the risks and benefit of injectable steriods ? 3. any suggestions for the headaches and nausea? I would appreciate any suggestions? also does anyone have feedback rearding the Dr F. I keep seeing on this website? how much does he cost????? thanks anna
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