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About elainewwjd

  • Birthday 12/29/1985

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  1. These are my results.... Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate: 103.6 (50-70) Potassium: 4.4 (3.5-5) Sodium: 138 (136-145) Glucose: 5.44 (4.1-5.9) Calcium: 2.37 (2.02-2.6) Cholesterol: 5.42 (2.9-4.7) Triglycerides: 1.31 (0.1-1.71) Ferritin serum: 30.7 (10-120) c Reactive Protein: 9.3 (0-5) TSH: 0.048 (0.4-4.2) FT4: 14.64 (7.86-14.41) FT3: 4.83 (3.8-6) Cortisol: 796.2 (185-624) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate: 18 (0-15) More results pending...... I have been feeling really ill for 3 years now. I am unable to work full time and cannot get out of bed in the mornings. I have hashimotos and have been on 150mg of levothyroxine for 3 years now with no improvement on symptoms. I was sent to the Uk for a heart study because i had arrhythmia and high heart rate. They suspect an extra electrical pathway but my heart rate if horrible. Does anyone think i may have cushings ? Im worried because my auntie had adrenal tumours and she produced cortisol. She ended up obese and with a bad case of diabetes she died from her high cortisol levels a few years ago...... the doc says im just sensitive to stres.... ive seen a physcologist and she said nothing was wrong with me mentally and i was given the all clear.... nobody seems to know whats wrong with me but i am only 25 years old and i cannot function like a normal person anymore please help
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