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Getting "Flakey" in a geeky way

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I've been having a lot of fun "flaking"..... I'm exploring the new Web 2.0 technologies which include wiki's, podcasts, newsfeeds, and flakes.....


I've built a flake for Cushing's to share what info I have with anyone who wants to use it. I'm still working on it and have a lot more to add, but I'll do it as I can. A lot of things I've put there point back to this site, and if it's a link to the boards, only board members will be able to see it.




I've put a feed of my bookmarks on the flake site, but I also have another public site for them, too:




The neat thing about all this is you can do this, too, and we can "network", sharing with each other. You can incorporate my stuff in to your flake, and I can incorporate yours. It's a way for us to share info with each other. MaryO may want to put links to all this on here...I don't know. But it's the "new" thang, and predicted to be how things are going.




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Wow Robin, you are the tech. wizard! I have no idea what "flake" ing is---despite your wonderful description---I'm just getting

used to the web I guess---but I'm very interested in seeing what you have! Thanks!


OK---I think I'm starting to understand this---it looks very interesting! (Now I've got to do some more investigating!)

OK---Did some more poking around---this is very interesting!!! Thanks!!!

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You ARE a tech wizard, Robin! I love it!! But is it something us mere mortals can do?


I particularly like the idea of organizing all my "stuff" in one area....right now I have links saved here and there, articles saved here and there, etc. And I love the idea of being able to share with each other, too.


Very cool!!

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You ARE a tech wizard, Robin! I love it!! But is it something us mere mortals can do?


I particularly like the idea of organizing all my "stuff" in one area....right now I have links saved here and there, articles saved here and there, etc. And I love the idea of being able to share with each other, too.


Very cool!!



Just go play! It's drag and drop for the most part on the flakes. You pick the "tool" you want. There is a gallery of tools, too.


As for the del.icio.us site, you simply put your bookmarks in there. You can pull them into the flakes site if you want. Of course, I find this very cool...ha!




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  • Chief Cushie

What fun! Thanks, Robin :spudnikconfused:

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Wow, you are so smart and together technology wise. I still have problems with my cell phone. I would just love to know who chooses all the names for these programs. You are gifted, and way to cool. Love you, Sallyt

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Yes, thanks for sharing this Robin! It is so cool. I've been reading tons of stuff from your flakes! There's so much good information there.

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  • Chief Cushie

Robin, can I please put a link to your flake on the links page of the website (http://www.cushings-help.com/links.htm) and/or in an upcoming email newsletter?


Thanks :)

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Mary, if we can figure out how to make an RSS feed of information from your site, you can really get seen on the RSS feed sites...and folks can add your information to their flakes, too. You really just need an XML page of links, and probably various pages of them according to topic. That way folks can put them on their iPods, download to feeds like I have on my flake, etc....




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  • Chief Cushie


Mary, if we can figure out how to make an RSS feed of information from your site, you can really get seen on the RSS feed sites...and folks can add your information to their flakes, too. You really just need an XML page of links, and probably various pages of them according to topic. That way folks can put them on their iPods, download to feeds like I have on my flake, etc....




That would be so cool! I'll need to read up on XML Maybe something can be done with the contents page that has all (or most all!) of the pages on it.


Great idea! Off to read up...

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MaryO, this is exciting!!!


Here are some links/ideas.....




The pages are saved as .xml instead of .htm or .html


Software for it, too:

http://www.cosmicscripts.com/demos/rss.shtml is free. There are other free ones, too!


http://www.feedforall.com/ is not free.


Simple is better. It feeds easier.


Once that's all done, you want to put an RSS feed live bookmark on each feed page: http://johnbokma.com/firefox/rss-and-live-bookmarks.html


Here is a page (you can view source) that loaded nicely for me on my flakes page:





If I can do anything to help, let me know!!




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  • Over 2000 Posts

OMG!! You ladies are amazing! What fun and what a great tool!


Tami and Amber

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  • Chief Cushie

Robin, I did put your link on the main page of the website and in this week's email newsletter.


I was wondering how you'd feel about a "redirect" link the same as there is to the Current Newsletter and the Helpful Doctor list.


It's a fabulous resource - thanks!

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  • Chief Cushie

Thanks, Robin! I think I've got this RSS thing :bouncesmile: A starter Cushie RSS feed: http://www.cushingsonline.com/rss/feed.xml


Do you know of any way to update that automatically or do I do that for every new page added to the the site?


Now to update the existing 1,000 plus pages with the RSS info LOL



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  • Chief Cushie

Hmmm, that's interesting.


Not sure yet why some don't show and others do since I copied and pasted mostly. It looks fine on the other pages I looked at - just not your flake.

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