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Statistics on Cushings?

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I have heard that Cushings can affect anyone and it is found all over the world. But there are (I think I read this somewhere) 5:1 more women affected by it. I am wondering why this would be so. Is this due to our hormones?


Also, do we have any members that are not caucasian on the boards? This would also really interest me. Since I am a nursing student, I find there are many conditions and disease that affect certain ethnical groups more than others.


Some drugs work better with the elderly and African Americans, while they do not work in caucasians.


Any ideas?

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

I am almost 1/2 Native American. I read somewhere (still looking for it) that Native American's have higher cortisol. Now A LOT of Native American people have a typical Cushing's appearance. TINY legs and arms, big stomachs, and a lot of humps. I'm sure it's just the environmental factors. :wave: (I'm kidding here) My internist suggested that maybe it's the fry bread. Hmm, interesting considering I've eaten it just a handful of times in my life.

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I'm also biracial. Half caucasian and half Puerto Rican Indian. My niece who happens to resemble me both in appearance and in interests and hobbies, etc is on her way to be tested for Cushings with Dr. L.

I did so much research when studying for my doctorate before I left to stay home with my kids. I find this idea fascinating. If it is more prevalent then you know it's probably underreported bc ethnic minorities lack access to quality healthcare. Look how hard it is for us to get diagnosed and we are doing the research ourselves.

Jeremie :wave:

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club
If it is more prevalent then you know it's probably underreported bc ethnic minorities lack access to quality healthcare. Look how hard it is for us to get diagnosed and we are doing the research ourselves.


Jeremie, that is probably so true. Sad, but true. Access to healthcare, access to legal services, access to education, access to jobs....it's still a big problem in this country if you are not white and male. I think it's actually suprising that so many women get diagnosed after getting dismissed by doctor after doctor dismissing the symptoms as hypochondria, depression, poor diet and lack of exercise!


Y'all know this makes us among the stronger women of the world for being such great self-advocates...:wave:

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