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Florinef generic changes outside USA


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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Hi all, on another list I'm on a note was posted about the generic form of Florinef called fludrocortisone acetate has changed formulas in the UK recently and Australia in the last year. I have found ZERO documentation that this has happened in the US.


The new formulas now require refrigeration and cannot be left out for even an hour. It has to be transported cooled. If it is left out it shouldn't be taken. This is a new thing in the UK and some folks found the pharmacy not storing it correctly so please check this out over there!

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Thank you for bringing this up. I was actually just reading the other thread yesterday, while doing a search on Florinef.


I am a bit confused by the whole thing really! Dr. F prescribed me Florinef. What my insurance gave me was IC Fludrocortisone tablets, which the bottle says is substituted for Florinef Acetate. I looked on the BCBS website and found that Fludrocortisone is a tier one drug (costing $10) as opposed to simply Florinef, which is tier 3 (costing $45). I have a 3 tier system, so BCBS automatically gave me the lower tier drug.


What was confusing me is Fludrocortisone vs Fludrocortisone acetate vs Florinef acetate vs Florinef! LOL! I looked on Medsort though and it only gave me the choice of Fludrocortisone acetate or Florinef.


Anyways, I am grateful that you guys are sharing the info!


:<) Amy

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Florinef the patented brand name drug has been discontinued completely as of June which was posted above. The only options now in the US are generic from either Global Pharma which is a part of Impax Labs. The other is Barr Pharmaceuticals. The Global tablets are whitish and round and Barr are oblong kind of egg shaped.


The formula change occurred in the UK very recently and Australia earlier this year. Again I have NOTHING to say this is happening here in the US. I spoke to the my pharmacy who is a large national chain and so far they have not been notified of anything changing. I personally have Global generics for the fludro and have never had a problem.


I have no idea what fludrocortisone IC is....wish I could help there.

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Yes, my pharmacist didn't have it when I filed my latest prescription and said it had been discontinued. Luckily I have about another month's worth tucked away at home!


Thanks for the warnings about keeping it refrigerated, very interesting. And what a PAIN when you want to take it first thing in the morning and have to traipse downstairs for it!




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Friday and Cat Lady, your posts helped a bunch!


I looked on my bottle and it says Global Pharm, and they are indeed white and round shaped. They are also labeled with the number 7033. I looked on the Global Pharm website and found Fludrocortisone Acetate with NDC # 7033. Looks like a match!


I am starting to think the IC is just a label for a certain class of drugs. Not sure.


I am glad I know what I have, and looks like I can't get the patented anyways.


Thanks!! Amy

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I use the Barr Pharm. generic form--it's bright yellow and has an unusual shape. My pharmacy switched to these in June. I actually like them better then the others because it's less likely to get mixed up with my other meds in my pill box (too many little white pills!)

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