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Could this be cushings they are talking about?

Guest LorrieI

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Just wanted to share this article I found on AOL news today, wonder if they should visit our site? Seems like this strange syndrome could very well be cushings or one of many other endocrine problems.


Study: Millions of Adults Have Obesity Syndrome  



.c The Associated Press


CHICAGO (Jan. 15) - At least 47 million American adults - or more than one in five - have metabolic syndrome, a disorder that often includes a beer belly, high blood pressure, poor cholesterol readings and high blood sugar, according to a disturbing new study.


Metabolic syndrome has been recognized since at least the 1920s, though it has been called different things over the years. It is not a single disease but a cluster of health problems, and despite its name, does not necessarily mean a person's metabolism is defective.


Though experts say the syndrome may be caused by a combination of genes and lifestyle factors, lifestyle - including overeating and a lack of exercise - are probably the most important factors, said Dr. Earl Ford of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who led the study.


Experts suspected the syndrome was common but were uncertain about its prevalence. This study puts a number on the scope of the problem.


''When you consider that 50 to 60 million Americans have hypertension, about 60 percent of adults qualify as overweight or obese, and there are 16 million Americans with diabetes, I knew the number would be fairly large,'' Ford said.


Metabolic syndrome greatly increases the risk of diabetes, heart attacks and stroke.


The findings were published in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association.


The disorder often features a disproportionate amount of abdominal fat - the so-called beer belly - as well as elevated blood pressure, blood sugar and triglycerides and low levels of HDL, the good kind of cholesterol.


The CDC reached its estimate by using the first-ever specific definition of the syndrome developed by the National Institutes of Health.


The definition could help doctors identify and treat patients by giving them blood pressure or cholesterol drugs or getting them to lose weight, eat better and get more exercise.


According to the NIH definition, metabolic disorder is present if a patient has any three or more symptoms: a waist measuring at least 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women; levels of triglycerides - fats that circulate in the blood - of at least 150 milligrams per deciliter; HDL levels of less than 40 mgs in men and less than 50 mgs in women; blood pressure of at least 135/80; and blood sugar of at least 110 mgs.


The CDC team used the definition to analyze data from a nationally representative sample of 8,814 men and women who participated in a 1988-94 health survey.


While about 22 percent of U.S. adults were calculated to have the syndrome, rates range from 6.7 percent among those in their 20s to 43.5 percent in adults in their 60s. The rates among men and women were 24 percent and 23.4 percent, respectively.


Dr. Margo Denke, a professor of medicine at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, said the report may prompt doctors to more aggressively investigate what would previously have been dismissed as isolated symptoms. The numbers suggest ''you're not going to have to look that hard to find patients'' who have the multiple symptoms, she said.


''This is one syndrome that is exquisitely lifestyle-sensitive - it's an area where we can get people to pay attention and if they do pay attention, there's big rewards,'' she said.



AP-NY-01-15-02 1931EST


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''This is one syndrome that is exquisitely lifestyle-sensitive - it's an area where we can get people to pay attention and if they do pay attention, there's big rewards,'' she said.


OK......I'm hot now! ?Yes, I understand that these symptoms can lead to serious medical problems. ?This is NO newsflash!! ?What is the NIH doing! ?Is this an appropriate use of our tax dollars? ?How is this giving physicians any different information to formulate treatment plans, than they already have. ?Fat person=diet and exercise. duh! ?That's what they do now!


Yes, I also understand that not everyone who is overweight with high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol has an endocrine disorder, but MANY do.......and where is the mention of that???????


This only serves to perpetuate the notion that Cushing's is soooooooooo rare, that it is a virtually unnecessary to test for it.


If they wanted to group these symptoms together then that is fine, but they should have included the possibility that physicians should look at other etiology as well.

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Guest cher237

I join you, with being ticked. It's always about weight, obesity and habits. It reminded me of when I was diagnosed with Cushings and one of the dr.s asking me if I drank alot. I never had a drinking problem or overeating problem. Excuse me, never overate til my cortisol levels were 740 and I didn't sleep for 5 weeks. I figured if your body is working that much overtime it was natures way of replenishing and renourishing itself.Add all the radioactive injections and testing and surgeries............INJURY>>cortisol          STRESS>>cortisol   PAIN>>cortisol                  Hey! Maybe we should all go to school to become Endocrinologist who specialize in Cushings Disease. I'll bet our patients never walk away scared, or uninformed, or neglected. I just do count myself lucky being born at this time when drs. know more. I think back of how my grandmother died at an early age and my aunt and my great grandmother and wonder as so do other family if it was untreated Cushings that killed them.  :(

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The Endocrine Society had a link to this very article on their web page. I looked to see if there was a commentary, but didn't see one. I wonder if this Metabolic Syndrome has anything to do with some of the mousie research that revealed high cortisol cellular, but not caused by an ACTH source? Cushings - but not?! ???


Thanks for sharing the article!


I found this on the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists:


Dysmetabolic Syndrome denotes a constellation of metabolic abnormalities in serum or plasma insulin/glucose level ratios, lipids (triglycerides, LDL cholesterol subtypes and/or HDL cholesterol), uric acid levels, coagulation factor imbalances and vascular physiology.


Major criteria


Insulin resistance (denoted by hyperinsulinemia relative to glucose levels) or

Acanthosis Nigricans

Central Obesity (waist circumference > 102 cm for men and >88 cm for women)

Dyslipidemia (HDL cholesterol 150 mg/dl)


Impaired fasting glucose or Type 2 diabetes


Minor Features



Polycystic ovary syndrome

Vascular endothelial dysfunction


Coronary heart disease

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  • 2 years later...

Hello everyone -  It is my personal opinion that it is not really a seperate syndrome from cushings.  It might be better described as early cushings or mild cushings (cushings that doesn't show up on their lab tests).  Either way the effects are the same on our bodies.  Too much cortisol for too long can destroy your body no matter what it is called.  I can't understand why the physicians don't get it.

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Guest Cherri S

IThis article is definitely not about Cushing's.  Here is the key as to why it is not:


"''This is one syndrome that is exquisitely lifestyle-sensitive"


Cushing's is not lifestyle-sensitive.  I didn't get Cushing's because I ate foods on the "no-no" list, or drank beer, or sat on a couch watching TV all day.  This is a yet another article which just tells us everything we already know -- that a bad lifestyle leads to obesity and a long list of health problems.  Articles like this actually hurt us Cushies because it makes society look at us and think, "Yep, just another lazy fat person" just like in that article I read on AOL.



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