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Tonight Robin (staticnrg) in VoiceChat!

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TONIGHT! Join Robin (staticnrg), a pituitary patient and researcher.


This show will be at 7:30PM (note later time!)


Robin had Cushing's for over 20 years, at least. Of course, no one figured it out or even put two and two together until her new PCP whom she found in 2004 said "endocrine". She didn't figure it out, either, but at least Robin had a piece of the puzzle and she found cushings-help.com.


Robin immediately went into denial and left for several months until she got so sick she knew she had to have help. She had originally sought this PCP because she had been going to all sorts of doctors for all sorts of things trying to get help. Robin kept getting sicker and sicker, and it got harder and harder to do anything.


Eventually, after having a bad experience with UVA, she went to see Dr. F. We went through some rounds of testing, had our ups and downs, but he stuck with me, and she got some sky high test results. she had to learn when to test because she was cyclical. Oddly enough, Dr. J., when she had surgery, insisted she was "classical" Cushing's. She didn't care what you call it, she just wanted to get well.



Join Robin Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 7:30 PM Eastern at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/CushingsHelp


The Call-In number is (646) 200-0162.



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  • Over 2000 Posts

I'm too whacked out to call in. But I'll listen today.


I love all the hosts of the hottest pod-cast out there!


now if only I had some of those yummy heart-shaped red hot candies to nosh while I knit and listen...

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  • Chief Cushie

The chat went great but it will be a little while before I can get it on iTunes - I have to take my husband to the ER :(


Thanks, Robin! Part 2 will be February 28, 7:30 PM

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I had to start this thread for Robins Pod cast tonight. For some reason, this is the second time I tried to comment on the original thread and it won't let me.....That won't stop me, so Istarted this thread so that we all can tell Robin how well she did... It was awesome ans I can't wait to hear part 2.




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  • Over 2000 Posts

Oh Mary!!! I hope that the chat didn't delay him getting care he needs! I know I for one want you to take care of your beloved more than I want to hear a chat... even a really good one.



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Hi, y'all....


Mary, you didn't tell me Tom was sick!! Argh!!!


You can still listen by clicking on the button in MaryO's signature. It's on the blogtalkradio site, also. Just click on the blogtalkradio button in MaryO's signature.




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  • Chief Cushie

Thanks so much, Susan :spudnikbeanie:


You can listen to all of part 1 (and all the other past chats) by clicking on the BlogTalk icon in my signature or through iTunes at http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=271150820


There are also links at various places around the website like http://www.cushings-help.com/podcasts.htm for those who can't listen live or want to listen again.

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Great program! I loved it...professional, but relaxed enough that I felt like I was having coffee with a pair of girlfriends. I really related to your story, Robin, and can't wait to hear more.





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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Chief Cushie

Robin continues with part 2 of her interview tomorrow night, 7:30 PM eastern.


The call-in number is (646) 200-0162

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Hi, y'all.... please feel free to call in tonight! MaryO and I would love to chat and answer any questions that we can. If you have some questions beforehand that you'd like me to try to answer about my journey and can't call in, post them here!




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  • Chief Cushie

For those on iTunes - this chat is now available for your iPods :)


You did great, Robin!


During the chat, I made a boo-boo - I said that the next chat was Karen, part 2 when in fact she is the week after, on March 20.


Next week is an open chat again, so we'll need you to all call in with your questions or ask them in the chat area.


Thanks, everyone, for making this series such a big success and thanks to Robin and everyone who has been interviewed!

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