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Tonight! Monica's husband, Kevin

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  • Chief Cushie

Monica's husband Kevin, April 24, 7:30PM eastern time.


Cushing's from the spouse/caretaker point of view He is also Monica's producer/ manager. He has been a tour manager and sound engineer in the music industry his whole life and has worked with many of the greats in the industry.


For the two years during Monica's diagnosis and surgeries he worked from home as a computer programmer so that he could take care of Monica.


Monica and Kevin were married two years ago, just before Monica's pituitary surgery. Monica and Kevin spent their honeymoon in Portland at OHSU doing one of her several "camp cushie" trips.



The call-in number is (646) 200-0162




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  • Chief Cushie

Kevin's most interesting chat is now available on iTunes. I had thought that he would want to reschedule since Monica had been to the ER but he went through with it.


At the beginning of the chat he was on his cellphone, driving Monica home from the hospital. What a trooper!

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  • Over 2000 Posts

I just heard Kevin in blog talk radio. He did a wonderful job with his interview.


Kate G

PS I like what he mentioned about Canada. It is very true, many people with Cushing's would not be diagnosed here in Canada.

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