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We need *YOU* to volunteer

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  • Chief Cushie

After this Thursday's interview, there's no one else on the schedule. We need volunteers for this - it's easy to do and we will work with you on the time if Thursdays at 7:30 PM doesn't work for you.


Please consider sharing in this new online medium!

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Hey Mary, I think the voice chats are awesome. I would like to participate, but I am not on my game right now. I wouldn't mind being stuck on the end of the schedule though. Maybe by June I'll be a bit more up for it. Hope so.

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Hi, Lisa and Lisa...it's easy. We'll ask questions to get you going, but you probably won't need them. You have so much info to share!! The time flies by...30" really isn't long.



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Hi all,

I haven't heard all the podcasts yet. However, I noticed that time ran out on all of those I heard and no one got to call in. I wonder if you could even have some of the old guests back on with the chance for us to call in.


I don't feel I would be a good guest at this point since I don't have any answers about my condition yet. But once I get squared away, I would love to share.


melly in nv

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Ok Robin... Sign me up. :.) I usually am good at talking a lot--maybe too skilled at it... lol Just these days I forget where I'm at...lol... So I'm thinking you might get a little better interview in a couple of months. So if you get some more takers I'll def. let them go first. :.)

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We all have pretty much the same story, and still each is unique. Some have more trouble getting a diagnosis confirmed, others have no idea what to look for, just knowing something is wrong. Put me on a schedule, and send instructions! Mine gets a little graphic in the post surgical experience.

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  • Chief Cushie
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MaryO and Robin,


I would call in (I havent heard the podcasts yet) but my case is very old. I had florid cushings and surgery April 19th, 2000. That was 8 years ago. All i could talk about is the lingering effects of having had post cushings and then having another illness - vertigo, and the complications of steroids that would arise.


I think the only benefit in me talking would be to talk about why recovery can take longer than the best of doctors can predict. BUT, I DONT WANT TO DISCOURAGE anyone in the recovery process.


I think there are many others who are more up-to-date in their knowledge and journey of cushings.


I have done TV segments and did awareness interviews in 2000, so .....................if you want to do one on vertigo???? No really, I dont feel i am a good candidate.


xo Judy xo ..........and keep up the good work. Maybe I could get my sister to do an interview...now that would be an interesting interview !!! ...........or my son ??? .........



ACTUALLY, I HAVE JUST TALKED WITH MY SISTER AND SHE IS VERY WILLING TO TALK FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF ....HAVING A SISTER WHO HAS COME DOWN WITH CUSHINGS AND HOW IT EFFECTED HER LIFE.........If this is something you are interested in I can let her know. She is sick with a bad cold right now so it would be a few weeks from now.....

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  • Chief Cushie

Ok, the people who have said that they would do this (so far) are:


People who filled out the form at http://www.cushings-info.com/forms/interview.htm

FerolV (I got her form first)

HeatherS (second form)


People sounded serious from this topic:

Lisa (Ikho)


Judy's Sister






For those other than Ferol and Heather, please PM me if you have a bio. If you don't have a bio up, please PM me a little about yourself so that there can be info put up about you on the Guest Speakers page at http://www.cushings-help.com/guest-speakers.htm


If you have days / times that are better for you, I'd like to know that, too.


I offered Ferol the May 8 date but I haven't heard back yet. I offered Heather May 15 (or 8, depending on what Ferol said) but I haven't heard back from her, either, so most all dates are available.



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I wouldn't mind volunteering either, however, I feel kind of funny since I am not dx'd yet.




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  • 1 month later...
  • Chief Cushie

As I recall, these people posted that they would be interested in doing an interview. Please let me know if you still are or not so we can plan for the future. As it is right now, after next Thursday's chat there is no one on the schedule.


A few people have submitted online forms to be interviewed but none has gotten back to me to arrange a time.

  • Nicole B (Copacabana), date to be determined
  • Lisa (Ikho), date to be determined.
  • Judy's Sister, date to be determined.
  • Stacey, date to be determined.
  • LynziMarie, date to be determined.

Is there anyone not on this list who would be interested?



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I don't know if you want repeaters. But my life has changed significantly since my last interview, and I could talk about losing my job and applying for Social Security at such a young age. And the issues about self-esteem tied to career, and risk of depression and isolation. Let me know.



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Mary, what on-line form? I'll be out of school at the end of the month, so after that would be fine. If you are ok with me not being dx'd yet.



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  • Chief Cushie

We'll definitely look forward to that! :)


Hi Mary, I would in, about 3 weeks time :wtg:
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  • Chief Cushie
I don't know if you want repeaters. But my life has changed significantly since my last interview, and I could talk about losing my job and applying for Social Security at such a young age. And the issues about self-esteem tied to career, and risk of depression and isolation. Let me know.



Repeaters are fine :wtg: Steve was a "repeater" We would love to have you again, if you're interested. After next Thursday (the 19th) , we're completely open.


Mar, the online form is at http://www.cushings-info.com/forms/interview.htm There is also a checkbox on the add/update your bio form ( http://www.cushings-info.com/forms/bio.htm ) to indicate if someone is interested in doing an interview. A lot of people check that off, maybe by accident. Of all the followup emails I've sent, only one person has responded.


Certainly, even if you haven't been diagnosed, we'd love to have you - everyone has been interesting so far and it's great to hear all kinds of different experiences.


We'd love to have you, Mar :)

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