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Free Clinical Trials at OSHU

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SOM230 Therapy for Patients with Cushing's Disease

Patients with active Cushing's disease (Cushing's syndrome caused by an ACTH producing pituitary tumor) who have urine free cortisols more than 2x the upper limit of normal and are age 18 or greater will be eligible to be screened for this study. Qualifying patients will receive SOM230 (a new drug that effects all five somatostatin receptors) for a 16-day period to see if it effectively treats Cushing's disease. Urine free cortisols (as well as other tests) will be assessed before and after drug treatment. All expenses will be paid to the patients including a stipend for participating. Dr. Maria Fleseriu is the principal investigator at OHSU. Interested patients should call Chris at 503.494.6576



Hope is helpful!



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