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Dr. Rob's Blog post on obesity picked up by NYT

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YAY, Lisa!!! This is an influential group of doctors. THey are heard and noticed. And so far, they've been kind to us (Cushies). They give me hope for the medical profession, although we are getting their side of the story so far.




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This is sad that all the comments on the NYT blog are still weight related. They just don't get the point behind it. It's not about the weight - but that's all people see.


Saying stuff like "once you rule Cushings and other medical problems out.." problem is, they rule it out before really figuring out what the cause is. :P So hence they are still seeing the weight and not the problem. But little steps are good just to get Cushings knowledge out there. If Dr. Rob actually looks more deeply for Cushings now, that's one more doc on our side.

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Doctors ought to realize by now that "lecturing, shaming or humiliating" their patients about obesity, shows how ignorant the doctors are about the "healing arts".


I think this is the ultimate betrayal---by professionals who are supposedly well-trained and definitely well-paid.


How many times have we been told that we can't "change" anybody? Maybe the doctors ought to get off their crumbling podiums and quit judging us. For me---it's the "judging" that drives me crazy.


I still look to my doctors for support---but sometimes I get lectures.

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Robin, you ROCK!


Wanted to add, I'm sure this guy feels a little picked on when all he wanted to do was talk about basic obesity and you have proven and will continue to prove, there is no such thing as basic obesity. There is always an underlying cause. Most people that t gain a 100lbs know it, are mortified by it and know about thinks like excersize and nutrition. They also know that their health is at risk which is why they are in the doctor's office to begin with. Doctors need to stop judging and start helping patients look for real answers.

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Yep. I'll be surprised if he doesn't ask me to stop posting about it or ban me from it. I hope not. The topic makes doctors uncomfortable. If they don't know enough about it, they don't want to talk about it. I wanted to post that, but was afraid it would alienate me from them, so I didn't. I don't mean it negatively. But it's true.




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It does make me nuts though. I used to be thin and see things like Greatest Loser which is a great inspirational show and think that is wonderful but how does someone gain that much weight to begin with? How do they finally get to the point that enough is enough? Now that I am obese and see the other side of it, I am sure it isn't just a Cushing's thing.


There is almost always a reason behind the weight gain but people are so beat down by it all that it is easier to accept that this is your fate than to endure any more critisism or worse, get ignored like you don't matter. You are invisible in the world and just fat and disgusting to your own doctor who should know you and be smarter than the rude sales clerk down the street.


I can count on 3 fingers the people that have told me that they did it to themselves, enjoy eating and are OK to live with the consequences. Everyone else is totally miserable.


I guess my ramble is that while I agree with the good doctor, tough love is total BS.


But - No matter how you want to talk to the patient, DO YOUR JOB and find the cause. Secondly, you better be damn sure that Mrs Fields is the culprit before you start accusing. That just makes you predjudiced and ignorant and that is sure something we don't need more of in the medical field or any other.

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My response is on my blog: http://survivethejourney.blogspot.com I don't know if they'll read it or not.


Debra (whoever she is...love her heart!) posted back, too:

Author: Debra


Dr. Rob, I appreciate that you are on the good side, but I don't know (and I doubt anyone really does) that the majority of obesity is caused by overeating and lack of exercise. How may people are hypothyroid -- I think the percentage of women over age 40 who are hypo is relatively significant. How many women have PCOS -- certainly not the majority of overweight women, but probably a decent percentage. What percentage of people have depression? Statistics seem to indicate a non-nominal percentage. How many people have difficult personal circumstances that take up all of the time that might be devoted to better eating habits and more time to take care of themselves. How many have joint problems or other mobility issues? What percentage of the population have medical abnormalities that cause obesity that we haven't figured out. "Too much food and too little exercise" is reductionist and gets docs off the hook for digging a little deeper to do the real problem solving. It's like a marriage counselor advising a couple whose marriage is in trouble that it appears that they don't get along. Figuring out why is the real challenge. I don't think people mind doctors addressing weight as long as it is treated as a real medical problem that the doctor is providing real medical treatment for.


In addition, for those with an extra 20 lbs, "food and exercise" at some level probably is the issue. But study after study shows that (short of another diagnosable illness) the only long-term effective treatment for morbid obesity is surgery, and that surgery causes real changes in the metabolic system. It gives one pause that perhaps diet and exercise alone are not the culprit in morbid obesity.


Long ago, people thought epileptics were possessed and were ostracized. We now know that devil possession has nothing to do with it. I bet that in 100 years, we will find that for some significant percentage of the severely obese, we will find that they are similarly afflicted with disease, not lacking in moral character or willpower.

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  • Chief Cushie
Yep. I'll be surprised if he doesn't ask me to stop posting about it or ban me from it. I hope not. The topic makes doctors uncomfortable. If they don't know enough about it, they don't want to talk about it. I wanted to post that, but was afraid it would alienate me from them, so I didn't. I don't mean it negatively. But it's true.





Since he's away on vacation he can't ban you, at least for a while! You're doing great over there, and Kate, Casper and everyone else who has posted.


That one doctor seems like a real ass - and too much like too many doctors I've seen :o


Thanks Robin!

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Here is what I posted....


Sherry said:


July 13th, 2008 at 1:04 pm


I know this is topic is about obesity, but I feel the need the stick up for all the Cushing?s patients out there!!!!

Cushing?s is NOT as rare as some doctors that may think. I belong to a supprt group of other Cushing?s patients that has 4,855 other members and I know there are many more out there. Many that don?t sign up for this support group. I know this because when myself or one of the other memebers goes to the specilists we see, there are many other ?Cushies? in the waiting rooms, who do not know about the support group. Unfortunitly the word is not out there enough yet, and we have to travel to see these Cushing?s specialists. The doctor I see that specializes in only Cushing?s will flat out tell you ?Cushing?s is not nearly as rare as once thought.?


So please, when looking at a obese person please don?t pass judgement on them, they may have a real dease, that if not treated is deadly, just like cancer.



Hugs to us all



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Robin you are definitely a true heart. It makes me want to give up talking to people who just continually don't get it or seem to even want/care to. It's so frustrating!!! And honestly I thought we'd made some progress w/Dr. Rob, but then to have him say it was all about obesity and talking to patients about it instead of c***ing them...it seems like he didn't quite get it either. Has he even looked past the weight yet??? Ugh...

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I read through the entire post and all the comments and NYT article.....what an amazing opportunity you seized Robin Girl!!! Whew Hew!!!!! I love it when the southern bell comes back with research articles and goes <_<:D:bangin: on ignorance and prejudice!!!!!

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Hi, y'all....


Hey, if we save one person because we've made one doctor stand up and take notice...ya know?????


So, that's what I keep on trying to do.


I'm in sunny San Francisco! I'll be scarce this week 'cause I'm teaching all day. I'll try to check in occasionally. If you want to know all about my trip, just click on my blog. I wrote an article about traveling as a recovering Cushie. It was an interesting day yesterday.


Hope all are well!!




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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't want a doctor to lecture me about my weight. With all this Cushing's stuff going on with me it is utterly impossible for me to lose a single pound. Everytime I got the "lose weight" lecture I cried. Sometimes hard, sometimes just a few tears, but it's humilating for me. I GET IT! I ALWAYS HAVE!! The last thing I really needed was someone else telling me how bad it was. I feel bad enough physically and mentally about it without having to hear it from someone else, especially someone who should be helping me.

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  • Chief Cushie


You and Robin are dragging me kicking and screaming into the 21st century! I posted a reply to that blog.


Wow, you've discovered the real goal for this website. And here you thought it was about Cushing's for all these years! :D

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LOL, Sybil and MaryO!! I just responded, also: (The comment box will not retain the paragraphs, however...darnit!)


Dr. Rob, I believe you wimped out on your response here. If I made blanket statements you would expect me to back them up with research. You did not. "Much of obesity is caused by over-eating and inactivity." Documentation, please. How do you REALLY know that?


Secondly, you talk like it's either one extreme or the other. It's either a self-inflicted problem OR a metabolic illness. That leaves a lot of gray area uncovered. Why do some people get physically ill when overeating? Why do others stay slim even when eating junk and not exercising? You have observed both of those phenomena, also, I'm sure.


This is about lives, not moral high grounds. Obesity is an illness. No one bothered to respond back to my RESEARCHED and DOCUMENTED comments in response to "Shame". Nor did anyone else bother to cite documented research. Why? Because no one bothered to read the research or didn't want to be bothered/take the time. Did you?


When the medical profession really gets rid of the mindset that most obesity is self-caused will it treat patients adequately.


With warm regards and respect,


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The gloves are off! I wish I thought to copy my response, I'll keep my eyes out for it. If they post it then I will copy it.


It felt really good to respond to that blog. Probably a lot cheaper than therapy too!

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