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Are you Hormonally Challenged?


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I just ordered this very cute pill box for in my purse.


Maybe Mary can find out whether there'd be a discount if more of these boxes were bought.


The company's name is: forgettingthepill.com


The box I ordered is silver and it says "Hormonally Challenged".


I thought that was very fitting, no?



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I want the same hormonal challenges that those skinny and beautiful chicks have. How come I got stuck with the nasty hormonal ones?

I especially liked the one about out of estrogen---I have a gun. Would love to send it to my ex-pcp who took me off estrogen after Time magazine came out saying that HRT is "bad" for you.


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  • Chief Cushie

I've sent them an email to see if we could get a quantity discount. We'll see!


Those are adorable, though. Thanks PeeQueen!

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thanks for putting the link on our site. You know me when it comes to computers....


I ordered the zebra stripes one for myself. I think I will use one compartment for Cortef, the other for ddavp, and the last one for? maybe dhea.


I am still looking for a monthly pill box and something red "emergency" looking for the Solu-Cortef in my purse. I am carrying the Solu-Cortef in a zip-lock bag. It is not attractive and might never be found when I need it. If you have any ideas where I could find these, please let me know.


I am glad you all like the boxes. They also have jewelry for the emergency Cortef dose, but I have one on my key-chain already.



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  • Chief Cushie

Here's what I got back from them: We can go to $17.07 for any of the novelty pill boxes for 10 or more at a time all shipped together to one address. This is prepaid by check or credit card.


Not much of a savings, but a little bit.


I don't know what they charge for shipping.

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I think that is a savings of almost $4.00/pc. I paid $20.99 for one novelty pill box. It arrived yesterday, and it's very cute, smaller than I thought it would be. It does not take up much space in my handbag. I like that. It also came with a black suede pocket into which I have put it for protection.

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