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Guest SongBird

Hi everyone,


I hope this day finds you happy and filled with never-ending smiles!!!! ?:P ?:D ?:D


I have a question that I JUST cant find the answer to anywhere.....


Can someone PLEASE help me figure out what "clinically euthyroid" means?


I sent for my med. records from last year and instead of sending me the Lab Report (which I have waited 3 weeks for...uggh) They sent me the doc. notes from my LAST endo.


The other thing it says ( among so much that I can't understand) is that my cortisol was 22.4 mcg/dl. (But it doesnt give the range??) Can someone PLEASE explain to me if that is a normal or high range?????


After reading this in it's entirety... (I dont really understand much of it) It continues to say I don't appear to be "cushingoid"? ?Even though I went from 130 to 192 in 7 months?


It also says I HAD a pituitary microadenoma of 5mm.... But on further testing they found no pituitary lesion. ?IVE NEVER HAD A SECOND MRI!!!!!! So HOW can they say that??


Uggh!!!!!! ?I am so confused and disgusted!!


My latest tests (from my NEW doc) showed my suppression test to be somewhere around 16.7 and he diagnosed me with Cushings Syndrome. ?Now he is running MORE tests (on the advice of the docs at MGH) So I have done another 24 hr urine and starting Saturday I do a test where I take a pill every 6 hours for 2 days then have my blood drawn.


I am so discouraged. ?Does this mean I DO NOT have Cushings???? ?I am so lost and confused and I just dont understand ANY of this!!!!!!


Hugs and thanks,

Song Bird

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Guest Stacy


  I know what you are going through. I have been diagnosed with cyclical cushings then undiagnosed then diagnosed again. Seems they just cant make up there minds. I looked it up in my neices medical dictionary and euthyroid means "normal thyroid gland function". Hope this helps!

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Guest Lynne Clemens

No, Paula, it doesn't necessarily mean you don't have cushings.  The 22.4 (which I assume was a blood cortisol reading) is in the normal range.


My cushings had to go to ridiculous lengths to show my GP that I looked "cushingoid"  If you look at my pics on my story, you'll see what I mean.  Many of us never look like the examples they put in the medical books.


What all this tells me is that you need another opinion, which you'll be getting, from an endo experienced in cushings.  Can't wait to meet you when you get up here.


If I were you. I'd request the lab results again.  They have to give them to you.

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Euthyroid  Eu=good/normal.


However, one of the most unsubstantiated myths of medicine is probably the 'euthyroid sick syndrome'. But I wouldn't worry about that now.


The Dexamethosone starting at noon and then every six hours for eight tablets, with a CRH challenge and then a blood draw fifteen minutes later is an excellent test. So put up with the nuisance of it and be glad you are getting tests..at the UWPhysicians they don't want to do any testing.

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Guest becky p


I remember going to the doc.  She listened to my symptoms and wrote things down on a sheet that I took to the receptionist.  On it were things like osteoperosis, arthritis, depression, blah blah blah.  Then we started testing.  The next time I saw her she wrote down on the sheet "cushings syndrome"  It  wasn't until she found the source of my cushings that she wrote "cushing's disease".  I asked her about this.  She told me that when you have some of the symptoms, and blood or urine cortisol levels that do not look normal, they call it cushings syndrome.  That is what you are diagnosed with.  Now hopefully they will find the source, write cushings disease on your paper, and get you cured!

Best Wishes for a dx!

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Guest SuziQ2

Becky, if we have cushings, we have cushings syndrome. ?


From the NIH: ?


Pituitary adenomas cause most cases of Cushing's syndrome. ?They are benigh, or non-cancerous, tumors of the pituitary gland which secrete increased amounts of ACTH. ?Most patients have a single adenoma. ?This form of the syndrome, known as "Cushing's disease," affects women five times more frequently than men.


Ectopic ACTH Syndrome. ?Some benign or malignant tumors that arise outside the pituitary can produce ACTH. ?This condition is known as ectopic ACTH syndrome.


Adrenal Tumors. ?Sometimes, an abnormality of the adrenal glands, most often an adrenal tumor, causes Cushing's syndrome. ?


Just trying to share my newly found knowledge. ?I knew I had a brain somewhere :0  Just kidding.  I copied this word for word.  I finally am getting around to reading the thousand or so pages I have downloaded or gotten from Kristy and Nina.  


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