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Teen Outsmarts Doctors In Science Class...

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Many people with Cushing's end up having to become a doctor, lab tech, medical researcher and lawyer to get a cure. It is a fact. Most people with Cushing's could swear to that fact. We accept it and find ways around road blocks to get to a point where someone will help us. This story is about a girl, aged 18, who out smarted her doctors to find herself a diagnosis. While it isn't about, Cushing's, it is about a problem many face within the realm of modern medicine...



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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

What a professional embarrassment for the doctor who missed her diagnosis. The girl probably saved herself over $20K in medical bills. It would be kinda funny if she contacted the dr. who screwed up, shared the 200 news clips about her case, and asked for a refund for his service.

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  • Over 2000 Posts

Can you imagine what a boost this has been to her self-confidence?!?!?!


I know it couldn't have been very easy for her to get her actual pathology slides so koodoos to her for every hurdle she crossed to get her diagnosis!!!

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