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Agent orange in descendants of Vietnam Veterans

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We started a discussion on the effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam veterans and their descendants. We hijacked that thread--

http://cushings.invi...entry423090-- but with so much info, it's best to start a fresh thread here.


Can someone post the parts abbot agent orange from that post here? I'm on my iPhone and it will be difficult.

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We started a discussion on the effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam veterans and their descendants. We hijacked that thread--

http://cushings.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=47825&pid=423090&st=0entry423090-- but with so much info, it's best to start a fresh thread here.


Can someone post the parts abbot agent orange from that post here? I'm on my iPhone and it will be difficult.



MelissaTX, thanks for starting the new thread. I have no idea how to take the actual posts from the other thread and post them here, but I copied the few quotes related to our hijacking Agent Orange discussion.


So here they are:



Missaf: ?Aha! I remember that study! It talked about faulty development of the HPA and how the axis would be expecting more cortisol thanks to childhood trauma. This explains so much. That fits my childhood and teen years, too. But I also have the complications resulting from my dad's Agent Orange exposure and the signs and symptoms I was born with that Endos like Dr. F found interesting.?


MelissaTX: ?Can you share what you know about the effects of agent orange affected veterans' descendants? Any medical articles? My father was in the marines and stationed in Vietnam twice during the war. He has reoccurring prostate cancer which is also linked to agent orange exposure.?


MelissaTX: ?I guess I mean, do you know of any sources showing links between agent orange/dioxin and pituitary and adrenal cases? I found this: http://www.vva.org/v...feature.html and it mentions adrenal gland cancer. I had to stop and post. I'm reading and researching more.?


MelissaTX: ?I'm going to add my Cushings to the birth defect registry. We'll let you know what I find out from here.



Missaf: ?Thread hijack!


I've not seen anything pass through so far except things like type 2 diabetes, pancreas damage, liver damage, etc... but AO is a growth hormone antagonist in plants, I'm betting good money that it messed with the pituitary gland for certain. I put my birth defects on the registry and was told that they weren't tied to AO, but when my dad was in Vietnam and saw photos of other girls with the same problems and talked with a Vietnamese doctor, he knew for certain they were tied.?


Lbeu12: ?Now we're all hijacking this thread, but it is very important stuff!


I had no idea about the Agent Orange stuff. My dad was also in the Vietnam war - and had to perform autopsies on the soldiers that were sent back to the States. I have been researching since Missaf posted last night about this, and see some connections with TCDD in the A.O. that affects endocrine system...something about the plant growth hormone. It even mentions paternal related birth defects in future children... This might connect some dots about why my dad and I have so many similar symptoms, but not my sisters, as they were born before the Vietnam war, and I was born in 1980.


Maybe we should start another thread about Agent Orange connections and research that we can all "follow" with email. That way, this thread can get back to the cortisol receptors issue...which I also want to find out more about. I agree with MelissaTX that I will only see posts linked with this thread on my email, but I can make sure and check for the new one and connect to receive emails for that too.


Keep the info coming!!!?



I hope that helps us catch up and continue the discussion as any of us find out more information.

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My dad was in the Vietnam War, too. He was stationed 5 miles from the Cambodian border. He had a number of seizures in his sleep during that time that were never explained. My family always theorized, though, that he was exposed to some kind of chemical.


Melissa B.

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  • 1 year later...

Has there been any more information on this? I was just talking with my dad the other day and saying I was wondering what all the effects of Agent Orange had on the children.


See my dad was in Vietnam and was in the largest amount of Agent Orange. He is now 100% disabled from the effects and on a VA pension. He has sleep Apnea, Type 2 Diabeties, Nervopathy in his hands and feet, weighs about 300 pounds, etc.


And now I had Cushings and thus my left addrenal was removed due to a tumor. I have a 4mm Tumor on my pit (so far not showing it is affecting hormones), and now about 4 years after surgery, looks like my right adrenal may now be affected.


I just highly doubt the govenment will ever admit that AO did cause problems for children, because then we could get benefits from them too.

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I don't have any direct link as my father never went to Vietnam, but my uncle did. He had developed all sorts of problems & in the end died of non hodgkins lymphoma. The doctors said it was all from his exposure to agent orange. :( He had no kids tho because of the fear he would pass something horrible on.

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The only thing I have to add is my dad has been tested for his cortisol levels and lo and behold all the tests have been high. I can't get the VA Endocrinologists to even begin to look at the data, though. They chalk it all up to the stress of being in the hospital.

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I'm willing to fight this long fight to recognize that my birth defects and health relate directly to my dad's AO exposure. I'm also willing to file for my son, who has listed defects from the list!



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I talked with my dad's VA doctor today who adamantly looked me in the eye, grabbed my hands and said "You must file a claim. Trust me, I'll be by your side when it comes time."


I'm mailing the paper work tomorrow!

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