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Possible Reinstitution of the Guest Forum


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  • Chief Cushie

We have had a Guest Forum in the past so that non-members could get a feel for how supportive and informative these boards can be.


The Guest Forum will public - visible to anyone.


How it works:




This area will be moderated and all guest posts must be approved before they show up. Please be patient. Guests may ask questions by starting a new post but they may not respond unless they become members.


Posts that are not Cushings-related will be deleted.


HTML code, links and images will not work here.


Popular topics may be moved to an appropriate members-only topic.




Any thoughts before we give this a try again?

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Sounds like work! On the other hand, it sounds like it will be very helpful to some. Just curiosity...what was this stopped before? Was there a problem?

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  • Chief Cushie

I couldn't remember why it was stopped before. There may have been too many spammers.


Since I couldn't remember, I thought it was maybe worth a try again.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Chief Cushie

The Guest Forum is back. Please answer any guest questions you can and encourage possible Cushies to join the boards and become new members.



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  • 4 months later...
  • Chief Cushie

I haven't been keeping "official" track but my informal observations are that there are far more spammers trying to sell us stuff than actual guests asking questions.


I am going to start keeping a record today and it may end up that I close the Guest Forum again, at least temporarily.


If the Guest Forum helped you, could you please let me know, either here or by PM?



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